
Inciting Incident is

The moment when the reader is introduced to the main conflict of the story

Explain with text evidence what was the inciting incident in the story. 
How does the inciting incident support the problem of the book?

  FRI Jan 12, 2024

The main problem in the story is that a dog died and they are trying to blame it on a mountain lion.  On page 36 it says that there is an outline of King in Mr. Ston's backyard. the outline of the dog supports my evidence because it shows that something killed the dog and why they blamed it on a mountain lion. 

Grant Powell

The incident in the story is when the dog named King dies because of the mountain lion

On Pg. 36 it says "Is that an outline of the dead dog?"  Then on pg. 42  it says "What kind of fight would a Bichon frice put up against a mountain lion? Then one on Pg. 52  it says He kept speaking to Tommy like Lily and Summer weren't even there the whole time. Then on page 53, it says "This isn't a tourist attraction it is a crime scene!"   

How page 36 supports my answer is that it talks about the outline of the dead dog. on page 42 it asks what kind of fight would the dog have with the mountain lion. pg 52 talks about how the owner of the dog came back to his house and saw the kids there and got mad at them then pg 53 is  about Teddy saying that it is a crime scene 


The inciting incident is when the dog is killed. Pg 53  Tommy Reddened around the ears though I couldn't tell if this was embarressment or anger. this supports it because the anger helped never let an animal die again. Plus there feelings stronger.

                                                                           Max Morrison🥸

 The inciting incident is when the dog gets killed.  The incident happens before any bad activities are there, like the giraffe getting poisoned on page 63, they say, ¨ why are the giraffes getting poisoned?  But when the dog gets killed on pages 50-51, it says King was a great dog. When they say King was a great dog that means the dog was a great part of the story. So that affects the book by trying to find who killed King.           

                                                     Ryan Seewald Brock