Difficult Choice

Describe a difficult choice the character had to make.

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.   What made them make the choice they did.  What motivates them to react the why they did.
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

  Teddy had to make a difficult choice when he was grounded for trying to let the turkeys out of the building and had no technology or investigation when he was grounded. The fact that he had to think about what he was about to do when he was grounded risked the chance of being grounded longer. But that didn't stop him from investigating further, he went on his mom's computer did research, and called a vet about Lincoln Stones dog info. I know this because on page 209 it says, "I couldn't help myself. We had new leads in the lion case, and with Lilly in jail and Tommy Lopez ordered off the investigation, there wasn't anyone else to look into it. Plus, it wasn't remotely dangerous. I was only collecting information. I was only on the computer anyhow."  I think this character's choice makes them brave, foolish, and hard-working.