Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings and actions during this portion of the book to support why you chose this reaction. 
Explain how this reaction will change the character or the story and why.

The character was in a situation where he was going to chase Lily and his best friend Summer ran after Lily. To make sure she's either okay or to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. What I would do If I was Teddy is stay and wait, think about what could happen if you chase after Lily trying to free a bunch of mad turkeys. But if I was Teddy I would also be worried if they would be hurt by the turkeys, but also be ready to sprint. Once they come back knowing that there are a bunch of turkeys I would run as fast as I can and tell Lily and Summer to run away or wait in the car. I think this reaction could make the story different because Lily got arrested for trying to start her car and wait for it to go, she could have run away and the cops would not have found them.