Character's Goals & Motivation

What is the character's overall goal(s)?

What is ultimately motivating them?

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.  
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

Based on these observations, why do you think they wanted to achieve their goal?

JJ goel is to keep making money take care of his dahter and to take care of his zoo he wants to expand his zoo and make the zoo a lot bigger he also wants to help his dahter in whetevr she wants do in life and help her with that he also wants to make money to keep his famely healthy and wealthy so there happey and he wants to help the loin but he also dosent but his dhater does so he does to becas his geol is to sepurt his dahter more often and togerow his zoo so if he helps the loin he miht be abel to put it in his zoo too so he getts to things he wants to do done.If he dosent exoland his zoo he would not get as much money and it would be hard to stay wealthy and healthy so it all kind of goes to gether.a goel is to also keep the funjungel running and making it better so mor people will come.