Being in the Character's Shoes

Imagine you were in the character's shoes in one of the situations of the book...

How would you handle this situation?

Include examples of the character's thoughts, feelings and actions during this portion of the book to support why you chose this reaction. 
Explain how this reaction will change the character or the story and why.

liliannah Baker 


Summer has been in tons of situations she has been on a stakeout for Girraf 's, turkeys chasing her and gobbling up Lily's keys to her car, and been on a mystery to find who killed King. But the one that I was in Summer's shoes was when Summer was in a car getting chased by turkeys and Lily got arrested so Summer was near the police.  And when I read it I didn't think that I was in Summer's shoes but  I felt like I was in Summer's shoes I was not  getting chased by turkeys but I did get trapped inside the car because I got into a car accident and I was trapped in the car and then when summer is with police I was also with police not at the same time and I rode in the back of the polices car. And this was this year.