
Exposition is

The start of the story where we get to know the characters, setting, and problem The problom in the storyis a dognamed king that bolngd to a rich guy lankon ston was killed and lankon thinks it was a mouten loin named rocket now there are to kids summer and teddy that hav a rich parent to that dont think the loin killd king. Rocket the mounten loin is  a wild mounten line how is geting the belame.Teddy and summer are trying to prove that it was not the mounten loin by trying to find the real killer.Well thay are trying to find the real killer thay also hav to work there job at the fun jungel zoo summers dad owns the zoo and hes having probloms with the drafs geting poisend and dying.and thay think it mite be the same person poisning the drafs that killd king.But lankon on the other hand will refus to beleav it was someone or anyone els that somels could hav killd king he stands fermly thinking the mouten loin killed king.He sais that the olny person how could of killd king was the mounten loin rocket.now people hav seen rocket before but knowone has ever seen her beenig agrsiv and trying to kill a dog she yously minds her own buisnus and dosent like people.but loinkon and his famly and frends and seporrters are trying to find and kill rocket so thay can get a money rawerd and to show evry one ther good at hunting .And lankon stone is kindov a seledrty for his realty show wich tons of people watch and lacon would sherly tell them to kill the dog wich he did but also offerd a money raward.