Comparing Two Characters

Pick 2 characters:

Compare how they are similar and how they are different.

Include examples from the text to support your answer. 
Explain how these differences and similarities effect the characters relationships.

Teddy and Summer are alike they save giraffes and animals and they are cool and trustworthy but they also have a lot of differences.  Some evidence is that Teddy on page 193 Summer and Teddy dared to chase after Lily when she was doing something dangerous while knowing that they were in danger of people who work there which means they are both brave. When the lion case was shown to them, they got right to work when they heard about it, which made them the same. Tho they are the same they are also different, like when they were chasing people who looked suspicious and Teddy would not follow but Summer ran. At the time that Summer and Teddy were grounded, Teddy went to work on the case but Summer couldn't.  When I chose this evidence I thought of pretty obvious moments when they were similar  and not simaler.