Difficult Choice

Describe a difficult choice the character had to make.

Use evidence (direct quotes) from the text to support your answer.   What made them make the choice they did.  What motivates them to react the why they did.
Analyze what you think this character's choice says about them.

A difcult chois for this charicter is if he is going to hide that he is trying to get the loin out frome his dhater but his dahter is trying to save the loin and is working hard on it and if he tells summer then she is going to be vary mad that her dad is not helping her with what she thinks is riht.Lankon can ether tell her what he is doingor keep it a secret but ether way it will atart a argment or he could join summers sid on trying to get the loin to saftey and help the loin.If he helpd summer he and summer could be in danger and he dosent want thet but at the same time he wants to supurt his dahter and helo her acomplish what she wants to do and she wants  to help the loinso its probubly a vary hard dicoin he has to make.anther hard decoin is to try and keep the zoo ging after what happand so that was also probubly vary heard to make that decoin