Virtual Start SOLE

How do you use the Virtual Version of Start SOLE in your online lessons?

Start SOLE is a free app for facilitating Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLEs). They've recently released a virtual version for use in online learning to assist in question or problem-based learning activities.

Why use a Start SOLE?

Using this tool to effectively enhance online learning:

  1. Create a login here. Once you login, you may need to apply for access to a virtual sole. If not, you should be able to access the virtual sole here.

  2. Identify an important question you would like students to explore. This question should be open-ended, and ideally, relate to the real-world in some way. You can also explore pre-loaded questions within the interface.

  3. Once you've identified your "Big Question," you'll select the BLUE "Start Virtual SOLE" button. Following that, clicking "Setup Sole" will give you a link to share with students for your synchronous Virtual SOLE Session.

  4. View the following tutorial which will walk you through the features and how to run a Virtual StartSOLE:

Using this tool across content areas:

English Language Arts:

  • Use this tool to explore "Big Questions" or themes which are presented in books and stories.

  • This tool could be used to help foster student discussion and in preparation for speeches and/or debates.

Social Studies/History:

  • Use this tool to explore "Big Questions" related to your content.

  • This tool could be used to help foster student discussion and in preparation for speeches and/or debates.


  • Use this tool to foster discussion around real-world problems.

  • This tool could be used to help foster student discussion and in preparation for speeches and/or debates.


  • Use this tool to organize large discussion around 'challenge' problems or for students to explore multiple methods of solution to a problem.