PBS Learning Media

How can you use PBS Learning Media to amplify your lessons and integrate STEM?

PBS Learning Media has a variety of content for all subject areas, including resources for Engineering and Technology. You can find additional information and resources via the PBS Outreach Page.

Using this tool to effectively enhance online learning:

  • Engage - What activating question or problem will you pose around the topic chosen? How can you integrate the selected videos or interactives?

  • Explore - How can you develop a pathway of resources for students to choose the direction for learning about the topic?

  • Explain - Design opportunities for students to explain the learning gained through the use of the PBS resources.

  • Extend - What additional questions or research will students complete as a result of the video or interactive simulation resources explored?

  • Evaluate - How was the use of videos and interactives successful to support student learning? Have students share self-reflections with challenges they faced or “ah-ha” moments they had while learning about the specific topic? What would they like to do differently?

Using this resource across content areas:

English Language Arts:

  • Have students research information relating to careers of interest via the media on this website. Allow students to create questions they still have or write compare/contrast reflections about careers.

Social Studies/History:

  • Have students investigate the historical aspects of technology and engineering. Can they draw any parallels between the history of engineering and technology and today? How has this part of our history impacted our current events?


  • Have students investigate natural phenomena and scientific practices such as why humans can’t fly outside of airplanes, solar sailing, or how virtual reality fools your senses.

Math :

  • Have students investigate the mathematical concepts of measurement or statistics and probability to understand real life math. Challenge students to discover how they use math in their everyday living that they may not have noticed before exploring real life math through careers.