Creative Construction

How to use: Read through the ideas, have your child create with any building blocks and other fun building toys, cars, trucks, animals, people, action figures to invent and imagination!

PreK - Elementary

Helpful Example! Good model for how to use these kinds of resources.

Lego Challenge Cards

Free Lego Challenge Cards

Description: Put your Legos or other building bricks in a plastic bin. Choose a few of these Lego Challenge Cards - Get Ready, Get Set, Build!

Getting started: Encourage your child to try a variety of levels easy, medium and hard during one sitting. Try not to help. Ask questions or give ideas like “What part could you change or rebuild?” “What could you do differently?” “Keep your first try, then start a new one to see how you can think in a different way.” Take pictures of the solutions before breaking apart for the next challenges!

Description: STEM challenges for kids, with easy to find supplies around the house.

Getting started: Look over the fun and creative ideas with your child. Choose 2-3 together. Gather supplies you already have. Make a list of others to save or buy. Encourage your child to create and make many changes on his/her own. Be sure to share pictures or videos.

The Stem Laboratory

Description: Engaging STEM activities that may include printed resources for some activities and using easy to find supplies around the house.

Getting started: Look through the variety of STEM activities to find a few that your child might like. Read the directions and skim the supply list. Gather supplies, save or make a note to buy them. Choose one or two to start with. Encourage your child to try them on their own, asking guiding questions like the ones under our STEAM activities with everyday supplies. Take pictures or videos to share!

Playdough to Plato

Description: STEM, literacy, social-emotional and fine motor activities to meet the needs of the whole child. Look at the grade levels above and below your child's current grade for more choices.



1st Graders

2nd Graders

Getting started: Look through the sites, open or download activities and/or projects. Read the directions before starting. Some activities may require printables, however, you could use a white board, chalkboard or blank paper to prepare. Gather any needed materials. Give your child plenty of time to figure the ideas out, practice then show you how well they have learned or created.