Pennsylvania PBS (PA PBS) Collaboration

PBS affiliate stations throughout Pennsylvania have partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to provide continuity of education opportunities to students through the Commonwealth. This page will help both educators and home caregivers navigate and leverage these resources for student learning.

We are in this #TogetherPennsylvania

As part of Learning at Home, the seven PBS stations across the state have committed to broadcasting 20 hours per week of the same programs at the same time so that no matter where you or your students are in the state, programming will be consistent. Programming is aligned by grade bands and color-coded by PBS KIDS Learning Goals so that you can easily find the program that's right for your child/student.

Kindergarten-Readiness Programs & Activities:

Elementary Programs & Activities:

Find your PBS Affiliate

Please follow Pennsylvania PBS and share the great work you are doing at your IUs and in your classrooms:

Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram

Consider following and tagging PA Department of Education too:

Facebook & Twitter

#TogetherPA #TogetherPennsylvania #LearnAtHome

Hashtags for PBS affiliates: #WHYY #WITF #PBS39 #WPSU #WQED #WQLN #WVIA

Practical Application of PBS Resources Webinar Series

Integrating On-Air PBS Programming Into Your Curriculum

On-air PBS broadcasts offer educational programs that can support student learning. Join WITF’s Director of Education, Debbie Riek, along with Sue Voigt from Capital Area Inter- mediate Unit 15 as they explore the wealth of PBS resources available to connect to your curriculum, content areas, and grade levels. See examples of how to turn passive viewing of shows into active learning opportunities. Resources to help families use on-air programming at home will also be shared.

Utilizing PBS Learning Media Resources Into Your Curriculum

PBS Learning Media is an online portal with over 100,000 digital resources. Tap into the power of learning with access to resources for all content areas and age groups. Join WITF’s Director of Education, Debbie Riek, along with Lauren Beal from Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 as they explore these online resources and provide an overview of how to integrate them into your classroom and curriculum.

Using PBS Resources to Support Social and Emotional Learning

Educators understand the need to connect with students’ social and emotional needs more than ever. PBS can support these efforts in the classroom and at home. Join WITF’s Director of Education, Debbie Riek, along with Nicole Bond from Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 as they explore the online and programming resources available from PBS. In addition, they will assist educators with selecting and implementing these resources into their classrooms.

PA Public TV and RobotWits partnered to provide a weekly television series to extend robotics and mathematics lessons to students who may not have access to the Internet.

The Robot Doctor premiered Wednesday, May 6 at 7:30pm on WQED-TV, with all other PA Public TV stations airing episodes on Thursdays.

Episodes are archived online at and at

The media and resources don’t stop with your local PBS station. Visit the PBS Learning Media and PBS Kids sites for more videos, activities, and connections to the world we share!