Tech Fun

How to use: Yes, FUN! There are many sites that make using simple technology, like your cell phone camera, a delight. Trust that your child can do these seemingly advanced activities, with a little help from a family member.

Be sure to visit our Code at Home STEM Goes On in PA page for computer programming and coding ideas!

Helpful Example! Good model for how to use these kinds of resources.

(or use any building toys like Legos, arts and crafts supplies for puppets, etc...)

Description: Children create one or more characters for a recorded performance. These characters can be created from any supplies. The animation can be stop motion style or skit/play style.

Getting started: Brainstorm a short science story, commercial, news report, funny skit or any STEM “show” with your child. A family member can take quick notes. Have your child practice once or twice to make a smoother recording of either a series of photos or video. No tripod needed, a book or plate stand will work just fine. Start out with a camera person, but encourage your child to do both roles right away.

Related resource: PLAY | Stop Motion Video for KIDS YouTube 2:35

Description: Digital versions of the popular “escape games” and puzzle/problem-solving, “unlock the boxes for more clues’ games! Challenges for children from K - 12th grades. No experience needed!

Getting started: View the tutorial buttons for students and teachers & parents. Review the titles and look for one that your family would like. Start with an easier one as a practice, if you’ve never tried one before.

Description: Creative storytelling and movie making!

Getting started: Click on Kids and Families. Watch a sample movie. Use the Help page to learn how to get started. Start by creating endings to story starters. Then, be a movie maker and director creating your own movies from scratch.

14 Day Free Trial

Description: Tools to publishing, story creation, game design, concept mapping, collaborative writing and art.

Getting started: Create a free account. Choose the grade levels (current, 1-year below and 1-year above, if desired) subject areas that are STEAM related and/or of highest interest. A choice board will be created for your child. Click on the subject area to get an embedded app started. Be sure to use clip art as included. Some additional research, investigations or experimenting may be needed. Save and exit when done to return to your choice board.