Family Engagement 

Your engagement is valued and important. Family support positively impacts children's language growth. Each team member has implemented goals to provide you with education and resources to help you support your child's language development. The Family Outcomes Survey helped us gather information about the feelings you may have related to language growth and and helps us better understand how to support you so you can successfully support your child.

SOAR: Family Outcomes Pop-Up

Family Support Resources

Outcome 1

Understanding your child's strengths, needs, and abilities

Outcome 2

Knowing your rights and advocating for your child

Outcome 3

Helping your child develop and learn 

Outcome 4

Having support systems

Outcome 5

Accessing the community-Contact information for each region  


The Early Childhood Outcomes Center (2010). The Family Outcomes Survey – Revised (FOS-R). Version 2: June 27, 2014. Menlo Park, CA.