Auditory Skills

Auditory skill development is an important way to ensure that a child is USING their hearing technology as part of communication. Auditory skills follow a specific path of development (see more information here). LANGUAGE can and should be integrated into auditory development to make listening and meaningful part of communication. 


This auditory questionnaire is designed to assess auditory development in children with typical hearing and in children with hearing loss who use hearing technology. It covers auditory development in the first 2 years after hearing technology fitting (up to 2 years of hearing age) or in hearing children up to 2 years of age. The questionnaire includes age-dependent questions with increasing complexity of the auditory responses.

The LittlEars was developed by © 2022 MED-EL Medical Electronics. All rights reserved with permission for use. 

How is your child doing?  You can take the assessment below, click on the numbers on the left side of the screen:

#1- Tells you about the assessment, 

#2 Click on the link to take the survey, 

#3- you can learn about your results (within 15 minutes, stay logged in on the email that you took it with) 

#4 - Find the resources that are specific for your child (orange means that's an area to target)

SOAR: Auditory Pop-Up

Auditory skills are (and should be) the foundation for developing spoken language. To develop spoken language, children need to:

Use hearing technology that is fit to your child's specific hearing needs

Use that hearing technology as much as possible (or all of the time they are awake during the day)

When we have well-fit hearing technology that is used consistently, adults can link auditory skills to language in how they integrate hearing into all activities during the day and the way they use language with their child. Below you will find resources and information below for the items on the LittlEARS assessment, so you can create meaningful interactions for your child.

2. Does your child listen to somebody speaking?

3. When somebody is speaking, does your child turn his/her head towards the speaker?

4. Is your child interested in toys producing sounds or music?

5. Does your child look for a speaker he/she cannot see?

6. Does your child listen when the radio is turned on?

7. Does your child respond to distant sounds?

8. Does your child stop crying when you speak to him/her without them seeing you?

9. Does your child respond with alarm when hearing an angry voice?

10. Does your child "recognize" acoustic rituals?

11. Does your child look for sound sources located at the left, right, or back

12. Does your child react to his/her name?

13. Does your child look for sound sources located above or below?

14. When your child is sad or moody, can he/she be calmed down or influenced by music?

15. Does your child listen on the telephone and does he/she seem to recognize that somebody is talking?

16. Does your child respond to music with rhythmical movements?

17. Does your child know that a certain sound is related to a certain object or event?

18. Does your child appropriately respond to short and simple remarks?

19. Does your child respond to "no" by typically interrupting his/her current activity?

20. Does your child know family members' names?

21. Does your child imitate sounds when asked?

22. Does your child follow simple commands?

23. Does your child understand simple questions?

24. Does your child bring items when asked?

25. Does your child imitate sounds or words you say?

26. Does your child produce the right sound to a toy?

27. Does your child know that certain sounds go with certain animals?

28. Does your child imitate environmental sounds?

29. Does your child correctly repeat a sequence of short and long syllables you have said?

30. Does your child select the right object from a number of objects when asked?

31. Does your child try to sing along when hearing a song?

32. Does your child repeat certain words when asked?

33. Does your child like being read to?

34. Does your child follow complex commands?

35. Does your child try to sing along with familiar songs?