LittlEARS Item 4

4. Is your child interested in toys producing sounds or music?

Your child will notice toys that are musical or have sound qualities.  Your child may pick up the toy, move it, look at it, and/or mouth it.  

Example Situation:

Your child is playing with a variety of toys on the floor.  While interacting with the toys, your child activates a musical toy (this can be on purpose or accidentally).  Noticing the toy, your child picks it up.

How to address this skill:

Check out the video below of a child attending to a musical toy!

A parent address the skill might look like: 

1: Parent activates toy

2. Waits for response 

3. If child doesn’t respond, activate toy again and point to ear, ‘I hear that!’ Directing child to toy.

4. Repeat

5. Hand toy to child and see what their response is.