Helping Adults Talk to Children

Welcome to the HATCH lab!

The HATCH (Helping Adults Talk to Children) Lab is located at Idaho State University in Meridian, Idaho.  The HATCH lab's mission is to ensure that adults have access to tools and resources to optimize the language of children through connection and engagement. To do this, the lab focuses on the development of clinically applicable resources and information related to early intervention and assessment of children who are deaf/hard-of-hearing (DHH). Integration of technology is a key aspect to ensuring equitable access to resources and information, regardless of geographic location. 

The HATCH lab is under the direction of Kristina Blaiser, PhD CCC-SLP. Dr. Blaiser's research has focused on the effectiveness of facilitating adult learning through tele-intervention (TI), online assessment, data visualization, and social media platforms. 

Supported families, successful children

Linking research to practice

Linking resources to assessment results

For more information please contact Dr. Kristina Blaiser at

Facebook: ISU HATCH lab
Instagram: @isuhatchlab