

Meet the leaders for this year's IASAS MUN conference.

Secretary General

Honourable Chairs, distinguished delegates, and esteemed advisors: my name is Isabella Jokela, and I will be serving as your Secretary-General at this year's IASAS MUN conference. I am currently a senior at the International School of Kuala Lumpur – which I've realised puts me in a very reflective state – and this will be my fourth IASAS MUN conference. MUN has undoubtedly been a huge part of my High School experience. It introduced me to two of my biggest passions, Extemporaneous Speaking and Debate (amongst others such as art, literature, and history). MUN has also allowed me to grow as a speaker, a leader, and as a person. My hope for all of you is that whether this is your first IASAS conference, your last, or somewhere in-between, you take every opportunity this experience gives you to expand your mind, grow as a person, and hopefully learn something new. I am so excited to welcome all of you this November!

Deputy Secretary General

Hey there! My name is Fehma Zahid and I will be co-Deputy Secretary-General at this year’s IASAS MUN. I am a senior at the International School of Kuala Lumpur, and this will be my last IASAS conference. Believe it or not, I started doing MUN only three short years ago, and I have to say it’s an IASAS like no other. MUN has provided me with a platform where I could develop my speaking skills and has allowed me to explore a side of myself that I wasn’t able to before. It has opened my eyes to the possibilities and has given me much hope for future generations. When I’m not preparing to host a home IASAS, you’ll catch me on the fields training for soccer or softball, or in the gym shooting some hoops. So feel free to talk to me about the MLB or NBA during a break! I can’t wait to welcome you all in November!

Deputy Secretary General

Hey everyone! I’m Kaitlyn Gosakti, a senior (I promise) at JIS. I’m so excited to be a part of this year’s IASAS Secretariat team. I began my MUN journey as a barely-5-foot (not a lot has changed) and quiet (I’d like to change I’ve gotten more outspoken) 6th grader. Since then, MUN has served as a platform for me to help grow as a speaker, learner, member of a global community. I most often serve in the HRC, Women’s Council, or General Assemblies - I am particularly fond of child and health rights. If I’m not found stressing over APs or university applications, I would be chilling with friends, playing tennis, or baking. I can’t wait to see all the engaging and academic delegates and debates this year and I hope we can make this a memorable experience for all!


My name is Bryce Vesel, and I’ll be your Parliamentarian this year. I’m in my final year at the International School of Kuala Lumpur, and can’t wait for our conference to begin. This years conference will be my fourth IASAS MUN conference, and second year on the secretariat. MUN has opened a whole new side to my high school experience, leading me into debate and other speaking events. I also play volleyball and enjoy a good laugh. My hope for everyone at this years IASAS conference, is to help deliver a smooth, well rounded and enjoyable experience. We’re looking forward to seeing you this November.


My name is Emma Wong and I am currently a junior at Jakarta Intercultural School. I started MUN in my freshman year and, quite frankly, felt completely and utterly overwhelmed. If resolution writing and debate was the deep end of the pool, I was unexpectedly pushed in. But what started like an intimidating activity became one of my favourite past times and have helped form my most valuable friendships. I've had a few bumps along the way, a couple bad POIs and a ton of rambling speeches, but I’ve accepted that it’s all part of the process. MUN is definitely a journey, not just a series of conferences. Outside of MUN, I absolutely love debate as well as writing and performing poetry. This will be my first time participating as a member of the secretariat so I am really looking forward to this conference.