This committee is one of the six general assemblies of the United Nations. It is responsible for maintaining collective peace and security through non-binding recommendations. This is done through discussing topics usually dealing with disarmament or threats to peace.

Committee Topics:

The question of militarising space

Preventing spillover violence in civil conflicts.

The question of foreign military intervention in internal conflicts.

Combating terrorism of non-state actors.

Head Chair

Hey everyone! I’m Sajid Farook and I’m incredibly excited to serve as head chair of DISEC at IASAS MUN this year. My passions lie deepest in MUN and parliamentary debate, and I am excited to have the opportunity to elevate my interest for public speaking by guiding delegates through debate as chair. Feel free to talk to me about politics, football (soccer for those people), tennis, or philosophy. As a senior, this is my third and final year participating at IASAS MUN, and each one has been amongst my fondest memories of high school. This is a chance for you all to debate and learn, but more importantly, a time to make friends and have fun while you're at it. So above all else, enjoy the conference and make the most of it! I look forward to meeting you all there.

Deputy Chair

I’m Ben Calzini and I am serving as co-chair for the DISEC Committee. I moved from the USA to Jakarta in my junior year of high school (repeating a year to finish the AP Capstone and take on the IBDP) and am now looking forward to participating in IASAS MUN my senior year (finally). I have been involved in MUN for 4 years and have attended 6 conferences. I am also involved in cross-country, track, politics club, and the Global Issues Network (GIN) Club. Throughout my time in high school, I can definitely say that my favorite club to participate in has been MUN -- and that is why I will do my best to make sure that the DISEC committee has tons of fun while also staying productive. Until then, I look forward to seeing all the hard work the delegates and chairs have put in to the conference.

Location of Committee: MPR 2/3