Arab League

The Arab League's main goal is to: "draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries."

Committee Topics:

Establishing a nuclear-free weapons zone in the Middle East.

The question of resolving the Yemen crisis.

The issue of Kurdistan.

The question of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Head Chair

Hey, everyone!

My name is Xinan Rahman and I’m honored to be serving as your Arab League Chair this IASAS conference. I am from Bangladesh and unlike many of you, have spent my entire life in one place. Nevertheless, like many of you, being brought up in an international community has set the foundation for who I am and in fact, led me to the experiences in MUN I have learned to greatly cherish. I eagerly look forward to meeting you all and all the creativity and quirkiness many of you bring to the committee.

Deputy Chair

Hello! My name is Sein Kim, and I am a senior at the International School Manila. This is my fourth year of MUN and my second year of IASAS. This year, I will be representing ISM as a deputy chair for the Arab League. As a senior, I hope to be helpful for debates and make an interesting, mature yet comfortable environment for our delegates during IASAS. I look forward to seeing everyone’s solutions to our extremely controversial but imperative issues of this committee. See you all in November!

Location of Committee: Social Studies 2