The Court is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was established by the United Nations Charter, which was signed in 1945 in San Francisco (United States), and began work in 1946 in the Peace Palace, The Hague (Netherlands). The Court, which is composed of 15 judges, has a twofold role: first, to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes between States submitted to it by them and, second, to give advisory opinions on legal matters referred to it by duly authorised United Nations organs and specialised agencies.

Case 1: Palestinian Authority v Israel

Legal consequences of the construction of a wall in Palestinian occupied territory

In putting forward Resolution ES-10/14, the UN General Assembly requested that ICJ consider the question of legal consequences arising from Israel’s construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem.

Case 2: Iran v United States of America

Concerning an attack upon commercial oil production complexes

In 1987 and 1988, warships from the USA destroyed three commercial oil platforms operated by the National Iranian Oil Company. Iran contends that these acts violate international law, as well as the Treaty of Amity as agreed upon between Iran and the US.

ICJ Positions


Team Iran: Reika Herman (SAS) and Rahil Chakraborty (SAS)

Team USA: Jingmin Wang (ISB) and Jitpuwapat Mokkamakkul (ISB)


Team GA Palestine: Matthew Helmkamp (ISB) and Douglas Lee (TAS)

Team Israel: Rahul Kothari (SAS) and Isha Verma (SAS)


Advocates of the International Court of Justice,

My name is Zwe Latt, and I am honored to serve as the President of the ICJ at IASAS for the second year in a row. I started participating in MUN in 7th grade, and now, as a senior from the International School of Bangkok, this will be my third and final IASAS involved in the ICJ. Other than MUN, I participate in debate, and am a CC Forensics delegate in extemporaneous and impromptu speaking.

I am incredibly excited to travel to ISKL to oversee the complex proceedings and intense debate that comes in only such a committee as special as the ICJ. I encourage you to bring your passion and deep insight regarding not only international law, but debate in general. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

Location of Committee: Social Studies 8