UN4MUN is a new program by the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI), aiming to lessen the distance between the United Nations (UN) and Model United Nations (MUN). This system is what the UN4MUN program aims to bring to MUN: a model developed around the idea of consensus building.

Committee Topics:

The question of reducing gender inequalities in developing nations.

The question of ensuring free and fair elections.

UN4MUN Timeline

Head Chair

Hi everyone, my name is Diya Nanavati, and I am very excited to be your Head Chair for the UN4MUN committee this year! I am currently a junior at the International School of Kuala Lumpur, and I have been participating in MUN since Grade 7. This will be my third IASAS MUN conference, and I am extremely happy to say that my MUN experiences have truly shaped who I am today. Being a part of MUN has helped me learn about current events, see issues from multiple perspectives, and think outside the box. Apart from MUN, I enjoy other activities such as Ted-Ed, original oratory, and teaching refugee children English. Through UN4MUN, I hope you will be able to dive deeper into global issues by exploring possible solutions, ultimately inspiring you to make a difference in the world! I look forward to working with all of you in November!

Deputy Chair

My name is Cindy Li, and I am honoured to serve as your Deputy Chair for UN4MUN at IASAS 2019. I am currently a senior at Taipei American School, and this will be my 15th MUN conference. I have had a fulfilling MUN journey, which helped me to see the importance of understanding current events with nuanced perspectives. Other than MUN, I enjoy participating in speech events such as original oratory and moot court, singing, and playing flute. My current favourite Netflix shows are The Good Place, Brooklyn 99, and Suits. Ultimately, keep in mind that MUN is not just about making speeches or winning awards, rather, it is about the possibilities that you can create with these ideas to make an actual difference in your daily lives. With that said, I hope you all have a great time at IASAS, and I look forward meeting you!

Deputy Chair

My name is John Leiman, and I am a Deputy Chair for the UN4MUN conference. I attended IASAS MUNSC as a delegate in 2017, and THIM-UNSC last year, in 2018, but my experiences in participating in MUN extends far beyond 2017 and the UNSC. I started as a delegate in the WTO in 7th grade at the “MCC” (Model Congress Club) in school, long before I came to JIS .

I look forward to participating in UN4MUN, and working with my fellow chairs to facilitate debate for delegates in the conference. In 2009, the United Nations Department for Global Communications (UNDGC) looked into and saw many inaccuracies with how MUN procedures used to reflect the activities of the UN, and started the UN4MUN project to provide experiences reflective of the UN and lead other conferences by way of example, and I very much look forward to experiencing the conference for myself.

Location of Committee: Social Studies 6