Title IX

The number of coaches for each team is an important goal towards achieving Title IX compliance. The number of coaches includes the head coach, paid assistant coaches, and anyone else paid to coach. Generally, volunteer coaches are not covered by Title IX requirements, and schools have no obligation to offset the availability of volunteer coaches. However, incentives may compromise someone’s volunteer status. The number of coaches includes those paid by any booster club, parents, or other coaches. If any stipend or gift for a coach’s service is received, the volunteer coach is then viewed as paid by the school and counted among the coaches available to the team, possibly compromising Title IX compliance for the school. Gifts of nominal value should not result in classifying an individual as a compensated coach. As merely a guide - not as a legal standard or Title IX requirement - schools should view anyone who is paid $100 or more in gifts or cash as a compensated employee whose availability is analyzed for compliance.

It is essential that no volunteer is compensated for coaching service prior to approval from the Activities Office and School Board. The Farmington Area Public Schools must monitor such practices and require that coaches, boosters, and parents report any compensation or gifts given to volunteer coaches.

Booster Clubs Should...

  • Communicate their intentions to provide pay or gifts with the head coach and activities director.

  • Make sure volunteer coaches and advisors remain classified as volunteers.

Booster Clubs Should Not...

  • Make a payment to any individual.

  • Give gifts to a volunteer that jeopardize the volunteer status of the individual.