Banquet Guidelines

The Head Coach is responsible for all facets of the end-of-season banquet. When selecting a banquet venue and analyzing the costs associated with the event, it is recommended that the Head Coach/Advisor/Director considers all members of their team and creates an inclusive banquet experience.

All members of the team should feel welcome and comfortable and should not feel pressured or expected to spend an unreasonable amount of money to attend.

Banquets should not become "roasts" or coaches, team members, or anyone else.

501(c)(3) Reminder: Remember, money spent by booster clubs must benefit ALL members of a team, not just a select few.

MSHSL Bylaw Reference: Bylaw 204.00 - Awards

Banquet Guidelines

  • Team banquets and awards programs may be held at venues other than a District site. If a banquet is held off-site, alcohol may not be served on this occasion because it is a Farmington High School event. This requirement applies to athletes, parents, and guests.

  • All banquet expenses must be paid by parents or the sponsoring booster club. These expenses include the cost of programs, decorations, gratuities, etc.

  • Farmington High School cannot provide postage or photocopying for banquets.

  • Farmington High School can provide addresses for the invitations and answer questions.

  • The cost of banquet attendance should not be prohibitive for parents and families.

  • If the end-of-season banquet does not include all levels of the program, parents and participants must be made aware of this at the preseason meeting. Booster dues from those not invited to attend the banquet should not be used to fund the banquet.

  • Any coach/advisor/director, coach/advisor/director spouse, or school administrator invited to attend the banquet as a guest should not be expected to pay for their attendance at the banquet. The guest list must be approved by the Head Coach.

  • As stated in MSHSL bylaw 204.00, "Awards presented to students shall be of a symbolic nature rather than those which have intrinsic value. Acceptable awards which are not a violation include game balls, medals, ribbons, trophies, golf balls, plaques, athletic insignia, cups and other items of little or no intrinsic value". For complete MSHSL bylaw 204.00 language, use the link provided above.

  • If students decide to give a gift to the coach, or coaches, the gift shall not exceed $100 in value.

Boosters Should...

  • Collaborate with the Head Coach regarding the banquet.

  • Approve all facets of the program with the Head Coach.

  • Approve the agenda with the Head Coach.

Boosters Should Not...

  • Use booster funds to hire a bartender to serve alcohol.

  • Have alcohol at the banquet.

  • Independently organize a program banquet.