Technology at ISB

Technology use at ISB

At ISB we believe that technology is not a tool to replace traditional ways of learning but rather a way of transforming the classroom into a learning space that can offer greater collaboration and communication between students as well as ways to improve critical analysis of information and creative ways of problem solving. In order to make this vision a reality, ISB recognizes that all students need to be digitally literate to become life-long learners. All classes incorporate technology as part of the curriculum and we are continually finding new ways of innovating and adding to our technology resources.  We believe technology integration needs to be purposeful and hands-on. ISB has adopted a Bring Your Own Laptop program at our High School and an 1 to 1 iPad program at the Middle School, while our Primary School offers 1 to 1 iPad program from  grades 2 through 5 with Kindergarten and grade 1 having access to iPads in the classroom.

 ISB is continually looking at new and innovative ways for students, teachers and parents to gain greater access to both school and educational information. At our primary school we have introduced the use of Seesaw as a communication tool with parents. Seesaw is a multimedia journal that empowers students to showcase what they're learning at school. Throughout the school year, Seesaw builds an organized, digital portfolio of student's learning, accessible by teacher, student and parent. At our secondary school, students have developed Digital Portfolios to track and showcase their learning of ISB’s core values. This is organized using Google's web building application, Google Sites. Students are encouraged to add to their portfolios throughout the year and reflect on not just their learning but achievements at ISB. 

Here at ISB, our learning program is designed to ensure our students feel safe, supported, challenged, inspired and that they have ample opportunities to learn who they are and how they learn, while being exposed to a broad, balanced and rigorous academic program that provides as many opportunities as possible for their next stage at school. We also believe that Middle School should be about inspiration, passion, curiosity, trial and error, personal discovery and creating opportunities. We recognize that a big part of Middle School is about making mistakes and then pausing to reflect on these and learn from them.


Technology is an important tool that allows students and teachers to enhance and transform learning. It should never be used just for the sake of it, or to simply replace what can be done well with traditional media. 


Before using technology all teachers are expected to consider the following questions:

To support our Middle School learners as they learn to use technology effectively, we have decided to issue all Grade 6, 7 and 8 learners with a school owned iPad. This will be provided for free and will be the main device for learning, here at school. A school managed device like this, will enable us to support our learners as we will have a greater level of control over the apps and tools that are used for learning on campus. All Middle School learners will be able to take their iPad home for the full duration of the academic year and they will of course be able to use personal devices such as laptops or other computers at home. 

Educational technology resources are constantly changing and ISB is continually updating and adding to the resources both teachers and students have access to. ISB has equipped each classroom with digital projectors and Apple TV's for wireless playback, we have introduced new technologies including 3D printing for our design department and provided all staff with professional development training for the Google Educational Suite. Google for Education provides productivity tools built for teaching and learning. Google suite transforms the classroom from an individual learning experience to a collaborative network where students can work in groups and get real time feedback on assessments from both teachers and peers.

ISB has adopted the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE Standards for educators) - to improve the practices and conditions required for learning through technology.  These standards encourage developmental and discipline-specific uses of technology to strengthen knowledge along with the skills and attitudes of inquiry-based education. An ethos of life-long learning is modeled to our students by professionals continually upgrading their skills and practices while reflecting on the uses of technology to optimize learning. We have developed a Technology based scope and sequence for our primary school students that focuses on the development of core technology skills that build year on year. This ensures that our students are equipped with the necessary skills to be successful lifelong learners when they graduate from high school. 

Successful technology programs require constant access to technology professionals. ISB employs an IT Director, Technology Integration Coach, IS Manager, and two IT Technicians as part of a team providing a seamless digital-age learning environment.

ISB's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) department provides a number of services that support educational and administrative practices. ICT is expected to be used in a manner that is consistent with the school’s mission.

Users of ISB's ICT are required to abide by all applicable Serbian laws and policies, in addition to ISB guidelines. ISB monitors ICT usage and investigates allegations of the distribution of unlawful and pornographic material and the use of information technology for abusive, threatening or harassing communication toward any individual or group. Students found to have behaved in a manner contrary to appropriate usage face serious consequences, including suspension.

The school reserves the right to examine any school owned ICT device, so students are encouraged to keep personal material stored on personal digital tools. Students wishing to publish material on the public domain which identifies ISB need to seek authorization in the first instance. This also includes the publishing of digital images and video of students and staff.

Students are advised to keep their passwords private and backup their academic data. 

We understand that on occasion, students may have forgotten to charge their computer the night before, left their charging cable at home or even forgot to bring their computer to school. Sometimes, there is a malfunction that requires a personal laptop to be serviced, leaving a student or faculty member without their own personal computer to carry out daily school tasks. 

The Secondary School IT Department is happy to support students and faculty in these instances, however, there is a limited number of temporary or loaner laptops available for student and faculty use.  Therefore, it is requested that in order to obtain a temporary laptop for school-use parents follow the protocol found on the Parent Portal.  Please note that the maximum length of time that a temporary computer can be loaned out is 5 days.

Responsible Use Guidelines for Secondary Students

This is an ever-changing challenge for teenagers and educators. ISB appreciates that students bring electronic devices on campus, beyond their school assigned laptops, but does not accept responsibility for instances of theft, loss, or damage. Any electronic device brought onto campus is done so at the student’s discretion and risk.

In order to help the students focus on learning, electronic devices (beyond the school assigned laptop) may not be used during class time unless specified by the teacher. Any electronic device that interrupts classroom learning time will be confiscated. Continuous infringements will lead to a student losing the right to bring personal electronic devices onto campus. 

The following are ‘Responsible Use Guidelines’ to guide all Secondary School students in their use of digital devices:

I understand that using digital devices (whether personal or school owned) and the ISB network is a privilege, and when I use them according to the Responsible Use Guidelines I will keep that privilege.

I will:

            (adapted from, Digital Citizenship)