Step 2

2. Make sketch of your board.

Read these notes "through a teachers eye" first before you begin.  Then make sure to read the requirements below before you turn in. 

In my game, I wanted there to be a variety of questions, some very simple while others were more difficult. This way, my students who were struggling could choose the easier questions and gain the confidence to try the harder ones. My students who were doing well could stick to the more difficult questions.

The level of difficulty corresponded to the number of "tunnels." This is why I created paths with one, two, or three tunnels.

I wanted there to be an element of competition in the game, but I wanted my students to feel like they were competing with themselves. The secondary goal of this game was for my students to experience an increase in their self-efficacy and confidence in completing these problems so I did not want them to get discouraged by comparing their success to that of their classmates.

My game has a sprawling layout with each student starting on a different corner. This way, students are less likely to be able to "trap" another student from being able to move in a certain direction.

I wanted the students to be able to select the questions they would like to answer, and I wanted there to be a variety of levels of difficulty that corresponded to the number of points that the student earned. This way, students would be encouraged to try the more difficult problems without being forced to attempt them before they were ready.

At any point in the game, students have the option of choosing an easier or more difficult turn.

You can also watch this video in how you can use every day objects to outline the main idea of your game. 

There are by the way tons of videos on youtube that have ideas and explain how to make boardgames. Check them out if you get stuck. 


Make a photo of your sketches and turn those in through google classroom. (see deadlines there) 

You can't explain the sketch to me in person, so make sure that:

Here's a useful link to have an idea of what a good sketch beholds. Good luck!