Emergency Procedures

Bad Weather

During the winter months local roads can be made dangerous by ice or blown over trees.  Our students and staff come from a wide area across the city and shire.  Conditions can be fine in one area, but cause for considerable concern in several others.  

When bad weather is forecast, we will make a judgement on the state of the roads.  If they are unsafe we will close the school.  By 7am (probably before) we will email parents and put a notice on the community hub and website.  We will also contact Northsound 1 Radio (FM 96.9 MW 10.35) who read out the list of school closures.  

We can’t guarantee there will be anyone in school to answer the phone, and won’t call families individually - so it is important to check these sources.  

If there is bad weather but we think the school can still open, one of three things will happen:

We may send out this warning about ice on the campus.  

If school is closed during the school day, we will contact families.  Children of families who can’t be reached will be kept at school.  It will take some time to recall the buses to ISA so parents are welcome to pick up students.

If the school is only closed for a day, we won’t have remote learning - this may or may not involve live lessons, which will depend on circumstances.  Children in middle and high school in particular should check Google Classroom for work from their teachers.  If the school is closed for any longer than that we would switch to remote learning. 


The most likely reason for an evacuation is the fire alarm; however, there could be other reasons.  Students should leave their possessions, exit the building silently and follow teacher instructions.  Full instructions are here.  Students congregate at assembly points on the upper pitch.  Visitors should assemble at the front of the building.  Fire wardens from our staff make sure the building is clear.  

Our alarms are checked regularly and are connected to emergency services: fire engines arrive very quickly.  We hold at least two evacuation drills a year. 

Staying Put
