Food & Drink


From preschool to Grade 12 students may bring in their own lunch or use ISA’s in-house catering.  All students should bring in a water bottle from home each day. 

Please be aware of our allergen awareness protocol. Students must not bring nuts to school or food with nuts in.  They should not share their food with classmates.  You can read more about how to prepare a safe packed lunch here.  

You can read more about ISA’s Cafe International here, and find the price list here.  


Preschool children are required to bring their own snacks, lunch and water bottle from home each day.  Please ensure your child’s lunch is healthy and nutritionally balanced. Please provide a drink for your child (preferably water).  No nuts please.

Preschool staff do not heat lunches for children. If you want your child to have a warm lunch, please send it in a thermos.  In order to keep food safe, please put an ice pack in your child’s lunch bag.

Parents can order an ISA lunch using the order form available each week on the community’s hub’s daily notices.  

Preschool staff eat their lunch with the children, where they can model good eating habits and healthy food choices.

Birthdays Treats

Birthdays are very exciting for Preschool age children. On these special occasions, the child, along with their key worker and friends, will bake small cupcakes to share during snack. Staff are aware of allergies and ingredients are checked, with any alternatives in place where needed, so all children can be included.


Students are expected to eat their lunch at the appointed time in the cafeteria.  Before leaving the cafeteria, students are expected to tidy the area so it is clean for the next group of students.  Students may be in the cafeteria, on the playground or Astroturf, or in the Library during the lunch block.   All students should bring in a water bottle. They may eat either their own packed lunch or food from ISA’s Cafe International.

Middle and High School

Middle and high school students may bring in snacks and their own lunch or eat at ISA’s Cafe International.  They should bring in their own water bottle.

Middle School have first sitting for lunch at the Cafe International, High School have the second sitting.  Students may eat their own packed lunches at any time.  Students are generally expected to eat in ‘The Street’ but may also be allowed to eat in their lunch time clubs with special permission.