Middle School

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Section 1: What is Middle School?

Middle school (grades 6-8), is an exciting transition between primary school and high school, where students learn to become more independent in their studies, personal organisation, and executive function skills.  Students are encouraged to participate in leadership, sport, and academic clubs.

Students study a broad range of subjects while also developing skills of self-management.  This includes planning and time management to help them keep up with the requirements of different subjects; also self regulation skills, working memory,  task initiation, flexible thinking and metacognition so that students can reflect upon their own progress and see the connections between subjects.

ISA’s middle school starts in Grade 6, when a typical student is 11 years old.  In the Scottish and some other systems, this is the last year of primary school; in England and other international schools it is the first year of secondary.  It ends with Grade 8 with students graduating into ISA’s four year high school (Grades 9-12).  

Section 2: Courses

ISA aims to provide a holistic education.  This means middle school students should enjoy  a broad range of ways to experience and know about the world.  They study: 

Language and Literature. 

Language Acquisition.  At ISA, we offer French or Spanish.  Once a student chooses one they will follow it through to the end of Grade 12.  They are put into either an emergent or capable class and are able to progress through to a high level of capacity 

Individuals and Societies.  Students look at the history, culture and geography of different world civilisations.

Sciences.  Students are introduced to the knowledge and skills of experimental science with units on biology, chemistry and physics.

Mathematics.  Students improve their mathematics skills and knowledge.

Fine and Performing Arts.  Students develop their skills and aptitudes in visual and performing arts (half year art, and half year instrumental music or vocal).

Design Technology and Computer Science.  Students develop STEM approaches (half year Design Technology and half year Computer Science).

Physical Education (PE).  Students engage in a range of sports and activities to develop lifelong physical awareness.

Health and Citizenship.

You can find a full list of middle school courses in our curriculum handbook.  

Section 3: Assessment and Reporting

Formal assessment is on a four point scale (1 to 4) and is standards based.  They also receive feedback on their learning habits.  Each semester students receive a mid-semester progress report and an end of semester summative report.  Dynamic feedback on academic progress is also available each week through our Powerschool system. You can find out more about assessment and reporting in our curriculum handbook.