
Section 1 Study Tools

Every student between Grade 5 to Grade 12 is issued with an ISA chromebook.  It remains the property of the school but is used by the student for school work.   Please follow the links for the IT acceptable use policy and IT code of conduct.  Families may be liable for all or part of the cost of repair in case of damage. 

From Grade 6 onwards students take their chromebook home with them.  Fire safety laws mean that they cannot use their chargers at school, and we have limited spares.  They should therefore make sure that they are fully charged.

In addition, students are expected to come equipped with the following supplies: preschool/elementary, middle school, high school

Section 2: Food

All students are strongly encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day; preschool students are required to.  Preschoolers are also required to bring in a safe snack.  Lunch can be bought at school or students can bring their own safe packed lunch.  We are an allergen aware school: students should not bring in food to share.  

Section 3: Clothing

ISA does not have a uniform, but students can buy spirit wear.  We do expect students to follow our dress code.

Please ensure your children have enough layers - the weather can be cool in most months we are at school.  Students are expected to play outside except in heavy rain.  

The Parent Teacher Organisation runs our lost property.  We strongly encourage you to label your children’s clothes (you can order labels here: quote the code 35395 to support the PTO).