Fine Arts Society


The artists have one function to affirm and glorify life. “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it”. Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures. Without art the world would be vast empty void of uncreative, unimaginative and bland society. The fine art society of Indraprastha College for Women that is Croydon ensures that no piece of art goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Croydon endeavour to support and stimulate various forms of art work like Painting, Sketching, Calligraphy and many more, the society provides platform to college students to portray and display their talent and prove their creative vision to advance overall learning.

The word ‘Croydon’ was taken as an inspiration from a street in European country which was covered with paintings and sketches. Those sketches added colour and meaning to lives of the residents. Thus our college’s fine art society picked up this name as we put efforts to collectively include more colour and meaning to the life of the youth and stimulate their creative minds.


Competitions like hat making and plate painting were organized in Shruti 2016 - The Annual Fest of our college.


Also the society makes every event presentable and graceful by decorating the college premises on various events like college fresher party, festivals mela, Troika, College Annual Fest - Shruti, College day, Sports day and other major events.