As every year, the 31st of October we celebrated Halloween at school. That´s why 1st and 2nd ESO students, decorated the classes and corridors with spiders, bats and ghosts. They also participated in a pumpkin contest. The aim was to bring the scariest “ jack o lantern”. The students of 4th ESO voted for their favourite pumpkin . The winners were Marc Bernabeu (2nd C), Vicent Monllor (1st D)And Vicent Bellot (2nd D)All of the students who participated received a special prize.

The students of communicative competence, 4th ESO, helped with the decoration of the school and made some posters regarding different topics, such as the origins of Halloween, apple bobbing, dressing up, trick or treating, Halloween parties and horror films which they posted on the panel near the library.

Callum, our English language assistant, also prepared a powerpoint where he explained how Halloween is celebrated in England.

The students also played the famous “trick or treat” in the English department. The English teachers gave the students some scary sweets! We really had a great time.

Lucía Marco, English teacher