
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 25.6.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema/ Topic:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wrando ar, a dysgu'r gân am drychfilod yr ardd.

Click on the link to listen to, and learn the song about garden mini-beasts.

Beth am greu cartref i drychfilod? How about making a bug hotel?

Mae trychfilod yn cael amser caled. Gyda hen waliau'n cael eu dymchwel fwyfwy, mae'r craciau a'r agennau y mae chwilod yn eu defnyddio i gysgodi, byw a bridio yn cael eu dinistrio. Mae gwesty trychfilod yn syml, yn ffordd wych o ailgylchu, ac mae'n darparu rhywle i fyw i bob math o gropian iasol.

Bugs are having a tough time. With old walls increasingly knocked down, the cracks and crevices that bugs use to shelter, live and breed are being destroyed. A bug hotel is simple, a great way of recycling, and provides all kinds of creepy crawlies with somewhere to live.

dewch-i-greu-gwesty-trychfilod (1).pdf

Celf / Art
Cymesuredd Trychfilod /
Bug symmetry

Gwaith Cartref/ Homework:

Tasg - Llythernnau dwbl / Task - Double letters:

Dyma fat yr wyddor Tric a Chlic. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar adnabod llythrennau dwbl yn ddiweddar. Beth am ddefnydio'r mat i chwilio am lythrennau dwbl a sengl? Beth am greu cardiau syml gyda'r geiriau 'dwbl' a 'sengl' arnynt ac yna dewiswch cerdyn un ar y tro a chwiliwch am lythyren (dwbl/sengl) sy'n cyfateb.

Here's a Tric a Chlic alphabet mat. We have been concentrating on recognising double letters recntly. How about using this mat to search for double and single letters? How about making cards with the words 'double' and 'single' on them? Choose a card, one at a time and then find the letter (double/single) to match.