
Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Dewch i ddysgu am y trefnolion gyda Miss Williams.

Come and learn about numerals with Miss Williams.

rhifolion - PowerPoint Slide Show - _Patrwm iaith - rhifolion.mp4

Gwaith thema / Themed work:

Baner Cymru / The Welsh flag:

Yfory bydd tîm rygbi Cymru yn chwarae ei gêm olaf yng Nghwpan y Chwe Gwlad. Ewch ati i liwio baner Cymru a'i hongian i fyny yn ffenestr eich tŷ i ddangos eich cefnogaeth.

Tomorrow the Welsh rugby team will be playing in the last game of the Six Nations Cup. Colour the Welsh flag and hang it up in the window of your home to show your support.

Welsh flag colouring sheet.pdf

Dylunio blodyn yr haul

Mae tymor y gwanwyn yma, tymor lle mae blodau a phlanhigion newydd yn tyfu. Rydym yn gobeithio cael llond ysgol o flodau haul yn tyfu yma erbyn yr haf. A allwch chi ddylunio neu liwio blodyn yr haul? Isod mae ychydig o syniadau i chi a thaflen gwaith i'w lliwio.

Sunflower art

Spring is finally here, the season when new flowers and plants appear. We hope to have a school full of sunflowers growing by the summer. Can you design or colour in a sunflower? Below are some ideas for you and a colouring sheet.


Addysg Gorfforol / P.E.

Cystadleuaeth Keepy uppies

Gyda'r 6 gwlad yn dod i ben y penwythnos yma, beth am drio'r sialens 'Keepy Uppies' gyda balŵn? Allwch chi gyfri sawl gwaith medrwch daro'r balŵn cyn iddo daro'r llawr? Pob lwc.

Keepy Uppie Challenge

With the 6 nations coming to an end this weekend, why not try the Keepy Uppies balloon challenge? Can you count how many times you can hit the balloon before it hits the ground? Good luck.