
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 26.3.2021

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Dewch i ddysgu am y trefnolion gyda Miss Williams.

Come and learn about ordinals with Miss Williams.

rhifolion - PowerPoint Slide Show - _Patrwm iaith - rhifolion.mp4

Gwaith thema / Themed work:

Cymru / Wales:

Dyma fap o Gymru. Llenwch y map gyda'r gair 'CYMRU' drosodd a throsodd gan ddefnyddio lliwiau baner Cymru.

Here's a map of Wales. Fill the map with the word 'CYMRU' as many times as possible. Use the colours of the Welsh flag.


Gwaith creadigol / Creative work:


Tafleni lliwio gyda rhifau Wyau Pasg

Yma mae dewis o wahanol daflenni lliwio gyda rhifau wyau Pasg. A allwch chi ei lliwio yn gywir? Pob lwc.

Easter Egg colour by numbers sheets

Here you will find a selection of different Easter egg colour by numbers sheets. Can you colour these correctly? Good luck.

Poster y Pasg

Poster Pasg i'w liwio mewn.

Easter Poster

Easter themed poster for colouring in.


Addysg Gorfforol/ PE:

Gweithgareddau Pasg

Gweithgareddau Addysg Gorfforol

Dyma ychydig o syniadau o bethau y gallwch ei wneud dros y pasg gyda'r teulu. Pa rai fedrwch chi eu gwneud? A allwch eu gwneud i gyd?

Physical Education activities

Here are a few ideas of things you can complete this Easter with the family. Which can you do? Can you complete them all?

Eisteddfod Pasg YGC / YGC's Easter Eisteddfod

Gweithgareddau dros y Pasg / Activities over Easter

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i weld yr holl gystadlaethau sydd ar gael i'ch plant gystadlu yn Eisteddfod Pasg YGC.

Click on the link below to see all the competitions available for your child to compete at YGC's Easter Eisteddfod.