Gwaith Cartref / Homework


Casglu Data / Collecting data

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni wedi bod yn casglu data yn seiliedig ar thema, 'Noson Tân Gwyllt'. Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw mynd am dro bach i gasglu data. Beth am gasglu dail lliw gwahanol, brigau mawr a bach, gwahanol wrthrychau naturiol ayyb. Gallech gyflwyno eich data mewn unrhyw ffordd y dymunwch e.e. mewn tabl, diagram Venn, siart cyfrif neu graff. Gweler enghreifftiau isod;

This week, we have been collecting data surrounding the theme of 'Fireworks night'. Your homework this week is to go for a short walk to collect data. How about collecting different coloured leaves, different length sticks, different natural objects etc. You can present your work any way you wish e.g. in a table, Venn diagram, tally chart or graph. See examples below;

Darllen / Reading

Dewch i ddarllen y stori 'Yn y mwd'. Ar ôl darllen y stori, ydych chi'n gallu creu rhestr o'r holl anifeiliaid oedd yn y mwd?

Her ychwanegol: Beth am greu brawddegau fel sydd yn y stori gan ddechrau pob brawddeg gyda'r gair 'Roedd'? Peidiwch anghofio i ddechrau gyda phrif lythyren a gorffen gydag atalnod llawn.

Come and read 'Yn y mwd'. After reading the story, discuss and create a list of all the animals that were in the mud.

Additional challenge: How about creating sentences like those in the story. Start each sentence with 'Roedd'. Don't forget to start with a capital letter and a put a full stop at the end.

yn y mwd - Loom Recording.mp4


Arian / Money:

Tasg 1 / Task 1

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar adnabod a chwarae gydag arian. Eich gwaith cartref yw casglu arian o amgylch y tŷ ac i ddidoli'r arian mewn unrhyw ffordd yr hoffech. Gweler enghreifftiau:

This week we have been concentrating on recognising and playing with money. Your homework this week is to collect money from around your house and sort the money in any way you wish. See examples:

Her ychwanegol / Additional challenge:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer adio gydag arian? Beth yw cyfanswm yr arian sydd yn y jariau?

Can you practise some money addition? How much money is in each of the jars?

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Os ydych yn gorffen y tasgau gwaith cartref, beth am chwarae gêm arian ar y wefan 'Topmarks'?

If you finish the homework tasks, how about playing a money game on the website 'Topmarks'?

Darllen / Reading:

Yn y fan.mp4

Dewch i ddarllen 'Yn y fan'. Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer darllen y gair 'Roedd' pob tro heb dorri'r gair i lawr?

Come and read 'Yn y fan'. Can you recognise the word 'Roedd' each time without breaking down the word?


Beth Nesaf?

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn darllen y stori 'Beth Nesaf?' gan Jill Murphy yn y dosbarth dros y pythefnos diwethaf. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar y stori. Beth am greu map stori syml gyda'r prif ddigwyddiadau? Defnyddiwch eich map i actio allan y stori adref. Gallech chi ddefnyddio'r lluniau isod, neu greu map stori eich hun drwy dynnu lluniau a'u labeli. Gweler enghreifftiau isod:

We have been reading the story 'Beth Nesaf?' (Whatever Next?') by Jill Murphy over the past two weeks. Click on the link below to listen to the story. How about creating a simple story map with the main events of the story? You can then use your story map to act out the story at home. You can use the pictures below or you can create your own by drawing pictures and labelling them. See examples below:

Darllen / Reading:

i ffwrdd a ni.mp4

Dewch i ddarllen 'I ffwrdd â ni'. Mae pob brawddeg yn y stori yn dechrau gyda 'Rhoi'. Ydych chi'n adnabod y gair 'rhoi'? Mae rhoi yn dechrau gyda'r llythyren ddwbl 'rh'. Pa lythrennau dwbl eraill ydych chi'n gallu eu darganfod yn y stori?

Come and read 'I ffwrdd â ni'. Every sentence in the story begins with 'Rhoi'. Do you recognise the word 'rhoi'? Rhoi begins with the double letter 'rh'. What other double letters can you find in the story?


Sut i ddal Seren / How to catch a star

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni wedi bod yn darllen y stori 'Sut i Ddal Seren?'. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar sêr ac yn trafod y Gofod yn y dosbarth. Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw ymchwilio i mewn i'r Gofod a'r planedau ac i fod yn greadigol gyda sut yr ydych yn dangos eich gwaith cartref.

Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod i'ch helpu.

This week we have been reading the story 'How to Catch a Star?'. We have been concentrating on stars and the Constellation as well as Space. Your homework this week is to research into Space and the planets and to show your homework in a creative way .

Please look at pictures below for ideas.

Gwrandewch ar gan 'Y Gofod' gyda Cyw.

Listen to 'The Space' song with Cyw.

Darllen / Reading

cacen ych a fi.mp4

Dewch i ddarllen 'Cacen ych a fi'. Ydych chi'n gallu chwilio am lythrennau dwbl yn y llyfr? Beth am greu cacen 'ych a fi' eich hun?

Come and read 'Cacen ych a fi'. Can you find double letters in this book? How about creating a 'cacen ych a fi' (disgusting cake) of your own?


Mathemateg - Tynnu / Mathematics - Subtraction

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar ein sgiliau tynnu. Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r symiau tynnu isod? Gallech hefyd wneud symiau tynnu eich hun adref. Gweler syniadau isod.

This week we have been focusing on our subtraction skills. Can you complete the following subtraction sums below? You can also do your own subtraction sums at home. See ideas below.

Rholiwch 2 dis a thynnu un nifer o’r llall a chwilio am yr ateb ar y mat rhif. / Roll two dice and subtract one amount from the other and find the number on a number mat.

Chwiliwch am ateb i'r swm tynnu trwy rhoi 'splat' i'r pry. / Find the answer to a subtraction sum by splatting a fly.

Darllen / Reading

pawb yn sal.mp4

Dewch i ddarllen 'Pawb yn sâl'. Ydych chi'n gallu adeiladu geirfa allweddol allan o'r stori?

Come and read 'Pawb yn sâl'. Can you build some of the key words from the story?

mae bore

yn car

sâl cwch

pawb nos


Nadolig / Christmas

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Mae hi bron yn Nadolig ac mae cyffro mawr yn yr ysgol. Fel gwaith cartref hoffwn i chi greu llun Nadoligaidd e.e coeden Nadolig, Siôn Corn, torch, hosan ayyb. Gallwch gyflwyno’r gwaith unrhyw ffordd yr hoffech e.e drwy dynnu llun, peintio, collage neu postio lluniau ar drydar. Byddwch yn greadigol!

Christmas is almost here and there is a lot of excitement in school. For this week’s homework, could you please make a Christmas themed picture? Eg Christmas tree, Santa, wreath, Christmas stocking etc. You can present the work anyway you wish e.g. drawings, paintings, collage, posting pictures on twitter. Be as creative as you like.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r chwilair Nadoligaidd canlynol?

Can you complete the following Christmas word search?

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen 'Y gêm'. Trafodwch ddyfynodau. Pryd ydyn ni'n defnyddio dyfynodau? Ydych chi'n gallu darganfod dyfynodau yn y stori?

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer adeiladu'r eirfa ganlynol allan o'r stori?

Come and read 'Y gêm'. Discuss the use of speech marks. When do we use speech marks? Can you find them in this story?

Can you practise building the following words from the story?

gwaeddodd gyda

aeth coch

roedd mewn

chwarae hwre

y gem.mp4

Nadolig / Christmas:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Darllenwch lyfr / erthygl / cylchgrawn Cymraeg neu gwyliwch raglen Gymraeg dros y gwyliau.

Read a Welsh book / article / magazine or watch a Welsh television programme over the holiday.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Ewch ati i ymarfer rhai o eiriau'r tymor hwn.

Ysgrifennwch nhw / darllenwch nhw / sillafwch nhw'n gywir! Os nad ydych chi'n cofio ystyr rhai ohonynt, cofiwch edrych mewn geiriadur.

Practise some of this term's words.

Write them / read them / spell them correctly! If you're unsure of the meaning of some of them, remember to check in a dictionary.

mae wrth

hefyd aeth

roedd yn

dyma gyda

mam dad

y ar

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymuno gyda her natur y Wildlife Trust? Mae'r Wildlife Trust wedi creu her '12 Days Wild'. Gweler gwybodaeth am yr her isod:

Can you join the Wildlife Trust '12 Days Wild' challenge? The Wildlife Trust has set a '12 Days Wild' challenge. See more information below:

A midwinter nature challenge

12 Days Wild is our mini Christmas challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. In those weird days between Christmas and New Year, winter wildlife is just waiting to be explored! Your wild acts could be little things to help nature - like recycling your Christmas tree or feeding the birds – or ways to connect to the natural world, like walking off your Christmas dinner in the woods or admiring the beauty of a winter sunset.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!