18.1.2021 - 22.1.2021

Sesiwn dal lan: Google classroom / Catch up session: Google Classroom

Sesiwn dal lan:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 11y.b ar ddydd Llun. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 11y.b a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.)

Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Catch up session:

Our live catch up session will take place at 11am on Monday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 11am and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.)

Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.


Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.



Cofiwch eich bod yn gallu dangos eich gwaith i mi drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw' (yn union fel eich bod wedi gwneud gyda'ch gwaith cartref wythnosol).

Remember you can show me your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw' (as you have been doing with your weekly homework).

Wythnos 18.1.2021 - 22.1.2021 / Week 18.1.2021 - 22.1.2021

Gwasanaeth / Assembly

Heddiw mae hi’n ddiwrnod Martin Luther King. Mae pobl yn cofio am ei fywyd a’i waith. Thema gwasanaeth yr wythnos yw ‘Dyfalbarhad’. Bu Martin Luther King yn dyfalbarhau drwy ei fywyd. Mwynhewch y gwasanaeth.

Today is Martin Luther King day. People remember his life and work. The theme of this week's assembly is 'Perseverance'. Martin Luther King persevered throughout his life. Enjoy the assembly.

Gwasanaeth Dyfalbarhad.mp4

Tric a Chlic:

Ydych chi'n adnabod yr eirfa Tric a Chlic canlynol? Gallech geisio ymarfer trwy wneud diagram 'sgriblo sillafu' Gweler enghreifft isod;

Do you recognise the following Tric a Chlic words? How about practising building the following words by creating a 'Spelling scribble'. See example below;

Sillafu / Spelling:

Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer darllen ac ysgrifennu yr wythnos hon . Cofiwch i'w hymarfer yn ddyddiol . Beth am geisio adeiladu'r eirfa trwy ddefnyddio dŵr neu ddeunyddiau gwahanol ar y llawr tu allan. Mae croeso hefyd i chi ysgrifennu'r eirfa yn eich llyfrau gwaith.

Here are the words for you to practise reading and building this week. Remember to practise them daily. How about building them using water or other materials on the floor outside. You're also welcome to also practise writing them in your work books.

pam (why) yn (in)

mae (there) dod (come)

gan (by) ac (and)

wedi (has) hi (her)


Sillafu gyda dwr. / Spelling with water.

Sillafu gyda sialc, brigau a cherrig. / Spelling with chalk, sticks and stones.

Dydd Llun 18.1.2021 / Monday 18.1.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.


Dewch i wrando ar stori 'Y Lindysyn Llwglyd Iawn'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod.

Come and listen to the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. Click on the link below.


Tasg 1 - Dyddiau'r wythnos / Task 1- Days of the week:

Yn y stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn', mae'r lindysyn yn bwyta bwyd ar ddiwrnodau gwahanol. Eich tasg chi yw dysgu dyddiau'r wythnos. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar y gân.

Os ydych eisiau, gallwch gadw dyddiadur o beth rydych chi'n ei fwyta yn ystod yr wythnos fel y lindysyn llwglyd iawn.

In the story 'The very hungry caterpillar', the caterpillar eats food on different days of the week. Your task is to learn the days of the week. Click on the link below to listen to the song.

If you would like, you can keep a food diary of what you eat during the week like the very hungry caterpillar.

Tasg 2 - Beth fwytodd y lindysyn? / Task 2 - What foods did the caterpillar eat?

Bwytodd y lindysyn llawer o fwydydd gwahanol dros yr wythnos. Ydych chi'n gallu ysgrifennu neu dynnu llun o'r bwydydd gwnaeth y lindysyn eu bwyta? Cofiwch i geisio defnyddio'r patrwm iaith 'Bwytodd y Lindysyn....'

The caterpillar ate a lot of food over the week. Can you write or draw pictures of the different foods the caterpillar ate? Remember to try and use the language pattern 'Bwytodd y lindysyn.....' ('The caterpillar ate....').

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your mathematics work today.


Tasg 1-Creu lindys / Task 1- Making caterpillars:

Dewch i greu lindysyn fel sydd yn y stori trwy roi smotiau arno. Mae croeso i chi ddefnyddio paent i wneud smotiau bys, gleiniau, darnau pasta, pys, pensil ayyb. Edrychwch ar y rhif neu cwblhewch y swm adio i wybod faint o smotiau i roi pob tro. Mae croeso i chi greu rhai eich hun hefyd.

Come and make a caterpillar like in the story by adding spots to the head. You are welcome to use paint to make finger prints, beads, pasta, peas, pencils etc. Look at the number or complete the addition sum to know how many spots to add each time. You are welcome to make your own caterpillars too.

Tasg 2-Dweud, gwneud, ffurfio / Task 2-Say it, make it, write it.

Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio'r templed 'dweud, gwneud, ffurfio' isod i ymarfer adnabod, creu a ffurfio rhifau, neu wrth wneud symiau adio a thynnu? Beth am ddechrau gyda rhifau 1-20 ac yna ceisiwch gwblhau'r symiau adio a thynnu isod.

Can you use the 'Say it, make it, write it' template below to practice recognising, making and forming numbers or in order to complete addition and subtraction sums? How about beginning with number 1-20 and the try and complete the addition and subtraction sums below.

Gwaith thema / Topic work:

Arolwg traffig

Beth sydd ei angen? Ffenestr i allu gweld un ai cerbydau neu bobl yn mynd heibio. Deunyddiau ysgrifennu/cofnodi data. Os nad ydych yn medru gweld, yna gofynwch i oedolyn gerdded â chi lawr at ardal diogel i fedru gwblhau'r cofnodi.

Beth ydych yn ei wneud? Nodwch amser penodol o’r dydd ble byddwch yn edrych allan o’r ffenestr. Mae angen i chi gofnodi lawr sawl cerbyd/person yr ydych yn eu gweld yn mynd heibio i’ch ffenestr chi.

Dangoswch eich gwaith mewn ffurf pictogram neu dabl.

Traffic survey

What do you need? A window to see either vehicles or people passing by. Data writing/recording materials. If you can't see, then maybe an adult might take you down to a safe area to be able to do the recording.

What will you do? Identify a specific time of day where you will look out of the window. You need to record how many vehicles/people you see passing your window.

Show your work in a pictogram form or a table.

Arolwg Traffig


Pa gerbyd oedd fwyaf poblogaidd?

Which vehicle was most popular?

Dydd Mawrth 19.1.2021 / Tuesday 19.1.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.


Tasg 1-Llafar: Bwytodd y lindysyn ......... / Task 1-Oracy: The caterpillar ate ..........

Eich tasg lafar yw recordio Flipgrid yn sôn wrtha' i beth oedd y lindysyn wedi bwyta? Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r patrwm iaith 'Bwytodd y lindysyn .......'

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wylio fideo flipgrid Miss Thomas ac yna recordiwch un eich hun.

Cod dosbarth Miss Thomas: Dewisant

You oracy task is to record a Flipgrid answeing the question; what did the caterpillar eat? Remember to use the language pattern 'Bwytodd y lindysyn.....' ('The caterpillar ate.....)'

Click on the link below to watch the flipgrid video by Miss Thomas and then record your own.

Code: Dewisant

Tasg 2- Sillafu / Task 2 - Spelling

Mae'r lindysyn llwglyd iawn yn bwyta llawer o fwydydd yn ystod yr wythnos. Edrychwch ar y bwydydd isod. Mae llythrennau ar goll. Ydych chi'n gallu llenwi'r bylchau ac enwi'r bwydydd?

The very hungry caterpillar ate a lot of food during the week. Look at the food below. Some of the letters have disappeared. Can you fill in the gaps and name the foods?

lindysyn (caterpillar) afal (apple)

gellygen (pear) eirinen (plum)

mefus (strawberry) oren (orange)

cacen (cake) hufen iâ (ice cream)

picl (pickle) caws (cheese)

salami loli pop

melon ddŵr (water melon) selsig (sausage)

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your mathematics work today.


Tasg 1-Casglu data / Task 1- Collecting data:

Dewch i gasglu data. Edrychwch ar y daflen gyntaf ac atebwch y cwestiynau. Bydd angen gwrando ar y stori unwaith eto i ddarganfod sawl darn o ffrwyth gwahanol bwytodd y lindysyn. Yna, ewch ati i gasglu data ar y daflen nesaf. Cyfrwch y bwydydd gwahanol ac yna cwblhewch y graff trwy liwio'r nifer cywir.

Come and collect data. Look at the first worksheet and answer the questions. You will have to listen to the story once again to discover how many pieces of fruit the caterpillar eats. Then, complete the next worksheet. Count the different food and then create a tally chart and complete the graph by colouring in the correct value.

Tasg 2- ffurfio rhifau/ Task 2-forming numbers

Dewch i ymarfer ffurfio rhifau o 0-10. Cofiwch i ddechrau ar y top pob tro a sicrhewch fod y rhifau i gyd yn gwneud y ffordd gywir. Gallech ddefnyddio eich llyfrau gwaith er mwyn ymarfer ffurfio, neu gallech chi ddefnyddio un o'r enghreifftiau isod;

Come and practise forming numbers from 0-10. Remember to start at the top each time and make sure all numbers are facing the correct way. You can use your work books to practise forming numbers or you can use one of the examples below;

Tasg ychwanegol / Additional task: Topmarks

Dewch i chwarae gêm casglu data ar 'topmarks'. Cliciwch ar y linc 'Fruit fall'.

Come and play the collecting data game on 'topmarks'. Click on the link 'Fruit fall'.

Gwaith thema / Topic work:

Gwefan Hwb ar Grefyddau'r Byd.

Hwb website on World Reigion.

Cerdd Acrostig - Diwrnod Crefyddau'r Byd

Heddiw, mae'n ddiwrnod Crefyddau'r Byd. Mae cerddi acrostig yn wych ar gyfer cyflwyno barddoniaeth i blant. Anogwch eich plentyn i ddatblygu eu sgiliau creadigol gyda'r templed hyfryd yma. Chwiliwch am eiriau drwy drafod syniadau neu ymadroddion sy'n disgrifio crefydd. Rhowch eich geiriau neu ymadroddion â syniadau ar y llinellau sy'n dechrau gyda'r un llythrennau.

Acrostic Poem - World Religion Day

Today is World Religion Day. Acrostic poems are a great way for presenting poetry to children. Encourage your child to develop their creative skills with this lovely worksheet. Find words by discussing ideas or phrases that describe religion (crefydd). Put your words or phrases with ideas on the lines that start with the same letters.

Diwrnod crefyddau'r byd.docx

Symbolau Crefyddol:

Dyma daflenni lliwio gyda symbolau o rai o grefyddau fwyaf poblogaidd y byd. Ewch ati i liwio taflen o’ch dewis chi. Cofiwch rannu eich gwaith gyda ni.

Religious Symbols:

Here are colouring sheets with symbols from some of the world's most popular religions. Colour in a worksheet of your choice. Please share your work with us.

Dydd Mercher 20.1.2021 / Wednesday 20.1.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.


Tasg 1 - Darllen a deall / Task 1 - Reading and comprehension

Gwrandewch ar stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn' eto ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod:

Listen to the story 'The very hungry caterpillar' and answer the questions below:


Cwestiynau / Questions:

  1. Pwy yw'r prif gymeriad yn y stori?/ Who is the main character in the story?

  2. Ble mae wy'r lindysyn?/ Where is the caterpillar egg?

  3. Beth sy'n dod allan o'r wy? / What comes out of the egg?

  4. Beth fwytodd y lindysyn ar ddydd Llun? / What did the caterpillar eat on Monday?

  5. Beth fwytodd y lindysyn ar ddydd Mawrth? / What did the caterpillar eat on Tuesday?

  6. Beth fwytodd y lindysyn ar ddydd Mercher / What did the caterpillar eat on Wednesday?

  7. Beth fwytodd y lindysyn ar ddydd Sadwrn? / What did the caterpillar eat on Saturday?

  8. Pa liw yw'r lindysyn? / What colour is the caterpillar?

  9. Beth yw enw'r tŷ mae'r lindysyn yn adeiladu? / What is the name of the house the caterpillar builds?

  10. Mae'r lindysyn yn troi mewn i beth? / The caterpillar turns into what?

Tasg 2 - Ymarfer adeiladu geirfa'r stori / Task 2 - Practise building words from the story

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn'. Isod gweler y bwydydd gwahanol mae'r lindysyn yn bwyta o'r stori.

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer ffurfio'r eirfa mewn unrhyw ffurf yr hoffech? Defnyddiwch y lluniau isod am syniadau.

We have been concentrating on the story 'The very hungry caterpillar'. Below are the different foods that the caterpillar eats in the story.

Can you practise forming the words in any way you would like. Use the pictures below for ideas.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld y cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your mathematics work today.


Tasg Cynhesu: / Warm up task:

Dewch i gyfri fesul 2, 5 a 10.

Come and count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Adobe_Spark_Video (8).mp4

Cyfri fesul 2 / Counting in 2s


Cyfri fesul 5 / Counting in 5s


Cyfri fesul 10 / Counting in 10s

Tasg 1-Trefnu rhifau 11-20 / Task 1-Ordering numbers 11-20:

Dewch i dorri allan y lluniau o'r stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn' a'u trefnu o 11-20.

Come and cut out the pictures from the story 'The very hungry caterpillar' and order them from 11-20.

Tasg 2-Rhifau coll / Task 2- Missing numbers:

Ydych chi'n gallu darganfod pa rifau sydd wedi mynd ar goll ar y lindys? Defnyddiwch y llinell rhif i'ch helpu.

Can you fill in the missing numbers on the caterpillars? Use the number line to help you.

Tasg ychwanegol: Ydych chi'n gallu llenwi'r rhifau coll yn y sgwâr 100?

Addition task: Can you fill in the missing number in the 100 square?

Gwaith thema / Topic work:

Mae gennyf freuddwyd.

Ydych chi’n cofio gwasanaeth Miss Williams ar Martin Luther King ddydd Llun? Beth oedd yn bwysig amdano? Ie, roedd ganddo freuddwyd, beth oedd y freuddwyd hynny? Oes problem yn ein byd ni heddiw efallai y byswch chi’n hoffi ei newid? A oes gennych chi freuddwyd i wella'r byd? Defnyddiwch y daflen weithgaredd i wneud eich gwaith neu cynlluniwch daflen eich hunain. Cofiwch i rannu eich gwaith gyda ni.

I have a dream.

Do you remember Miss Williams' assembly on Martin Luther King on Monday? What was important about it? Yes, he had a dream, what was that dream? Is there a problem in our world today that you might like to change? Do you have a dream to improve the world? Use the activity sheet to do your work or design your own. Remember to share your work with us.

Dydd Iau 21.1.2021 / Thursday 21.1.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.


Tasg 1 - Labelwch y lluniau / Task 1 - Label the pictures

Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod allan o'r stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn'. Ydych chi'n gallu darllen a labeli'r lluniau ar lafar neu yn ysgrifenedig? Defnyddiwch yr eirfa isod i'ch helpu.

Look at the pictures below from the story 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn'. Can you read and label the pictures out loud or by writing them? Use the words below to help.

haul (sun)

wy (egg)

cocŵn (cacoon)

pili- pala (butterfly)

lindysyn (caterpillar)

deilen (leaf)

Tasg 2 - Map stori 'Y Lindysyn llwglyd iawn' / Task 2 - 'The very hungry caterpillar' story map

Gwrandewch ar stori 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn' unwaith eto. Ydych chi'n gallu creu map stori o'r prif ddigwyddiadau? Gallwch dynnu lluniau neu ddefnyddio geiriau yn eich map stori.

Defnyddiwch y lluniau isod i'ch helpu i greu'r map stori.

Listen to the story 'Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn' again. Can you create a story map containing the main events of the story? You can draw pictures or use words from the story to create your story map.

Use the pictures below to help you create your story map.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see an introduction on what you need to do for your Mathematics work today.


Patrwm / Pattern

Mae patrymau ym mhob man. Ydych chi'n gallu edrych o gwmpas y tŷ neu'r ardd am batrymau gwahanol? Ydych chi'n gallu darganfod patrymau ailadroddus, patrymau cymesur, patrymau mosaig ayyb? Beth am dynnu llun o'r patrymau yma? Edrychwch ar enghreifftiau isod o batrymau gwahanol.

There are patterns everywhere. Can you find patterns around the house or in the garden? Can you discover different types of patterns e.g. repetitive patterns, symmetrical patterns, mosaic patterns etc? How about taking pictures of these patterns? See examples below of different types of patterns.

Mosaig / Mosaic

Coed / Trees

Papur wal / Wallpaper

Gwe pry cop / Spider web

Tasg 1-Patrwm ailadroddus / Task 1- Repetitive pattern

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r patrymau ailadroddus ar y lindys isod? Ydych chi wedyn yn gallu mynd ati i greu patrwm ailadroddus eich hun? Gallech ddefnyddio'r templed isod, neu greu patrymau eich hun trwy ddefnyddio gwrthrychau, teganau neu fwyd. Gweler enghreifftiau isod i'ch helpu.

Can you complete the repetitive patterns on the caterpillars below? Can you then go and make your own repetitive pattern? You can use the template below to make your own, or you can make a pattern using items from around the house, toys or food. See examples below to help you.

Tasg 2 - Patrwm cymesur / Task 2 - Symmetrical pattern

Yn y stori, mae'r lindysyn llwglyd iawn yn troi mewn i bili-pala prydferth. Fel arfer, mae gan bili-pala patrwm cymesur ar ei hadenydd, h.y. mae'r patrwm yr un peth ar y ddau ochr. Dewch i gwblhau'r patrwm cymesur ar y pili-pala isod a'i liwio. Mae defnyddio drych yn helpu er mwyn gweld y patrwm wedi'i gwblhau.

In the story, the very hungry caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. Butterflies usually have a symmetrical pattern on their wings. A symmetrical pattern is when something is the same on both sides. Come and complete the symmetrical pattern on the butterfly below and colour it in. It helps to use a mirror along the line in order to see what the complete pattern looks like.

Gwaith thema / Topic work:

Lindys o fwyd / Food Caterpiller

Dewch i greu lindysyn llwglyd iawn gan ddefnyddio gwahanol fwydydd sydd yn y tŷ. Defnyddiwch eich sgiliau creadigol a’ch dychymyg i greu’r lindysyn llwglyd. Cofiwch i ddefnyddio bwydydd iach. Dyma rai syniadau isod. Rhannwch eich lindys gyda ni.

Create a caterpillar by using food that you have in your home. Use your creativity skills to create a caterpillar using healthy food. Here are some ideas below. Share your caterpillars with us.

Dyma fideo i'ch helpu i wneud cebab lindys ffrwythau.

Here's a video to help you make a fruit caterpillar kebab.

Deiet cytbwys / Balanced diet

Defnyddiwch fwydydd sydd yn y tŷ i drafod deiet cytbwys. Trafodwch pa fwydydd sydd i'w gael yn aml i chi a pha fwydydd sydd i'w gael yn llai aml. Esboniwch pam fod angen deiet cytbwys. Ewch ati i drafod y bwydydd gwahanol sydd yn y stori.

Use foods in the house to discuss a balanced diet. Discuss which foods are needed often and which foods are to be had less frequently. Explain why a balanced diet is important. Discuss the different foods in the story.

Dydd Gwener Lles / Well-being Friday:

Lles / Well-being:

Dewch i wrando ar y stori, ‘Sgubo’, yn cael ei darllen. Fersiwn Gymraeg o'r stori:

Listen to the story, ‘Sweep’, being read.

The English version of the story:

Sgubo Cymraeg - CP.mp4
Sweep Saesneg - CP.mp4

Teimladau: Mae nifer o wahanol deimladau rydym ni’n eu teimlo bob dydd e.e. rydyn ni’n hapus, yn drist, yn ofnus, yn nerfus neu’n grac ayyb. Ydych chi wedi teimlo fel hyn weithiau?

Hapusrwydd i fi: Tynnwch lun neu ysgrifennwch am rywbeth sy’n cynrychioli ‘hapusrwydd’ i chi. Beth sy’n eich gwneud chi’n hapus? Sut ydych chi’n teimlo ar y tu fewn? Oes person, anifail neu le sy’n eich gwneud chi’n hapus? Os ydych chi’n teimlo’n drist, beth gallwch chi ei wneud i deimlo’n hapus?

Tasg ychwanegol: Cliciwch ar y linc i fynd â chi i’r olwyn lles. Gallwch droelli’r olwyn mor aml ag yr hoffech chi a chwblhewch y gweithgareddau.

Feelings: There are many feelings that we experience every day e.g. we feel happy, sad, scared, nervous or cross etc. Have you felt all of these feelings before?

Happiness to me: Draw a picture or write about what happiness means to you. What makes you feel happy? How do you feel on the inside? Is there a person, an animal or a place that makes you feel happy?

If you feel sad sometimes, what can you do to make you feel happy?

Extra task: Click the link below to take you to the wellbeing wheel. Spin the wheel as often as you like and complete the tasks.

Addysg Gorfforol a Meddwlgarwch:

Physical Education and Mindfulness:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn Addysg Gorfforol heddiw? Ceir nifer o syniadau am weithgareddau ar y wefan isod. Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn meddwlgarwch gyda Mr Dobson hefyd?

How about taking part in a P.E session today? There are many ideas for activities on the website below. How about taking part in a Mindfulness session with Mr Dobson too?


Celf / Art:

Roedd gweld y barcud yn hedfan yn yr awyr wedi codi calon Daf. Fe ddiflannodd ei hwyliau drwg gyda’r gwynt. Beth am greu hosan wynt i hedfan fel y barcud? Bydd angen rholyn tŷ bach, stribedi papur lliw (neu bapur gwyn wedi ei liwio) a llinyn arnoch. Ar ôl gorffen, ewch â’r hosan wynt y tu allan i’w gweld yn dawnsio yn y gwynt.

Seeing the kite flying in the air cheered up Daf. His bad mood disappeared with the wind. Why not create a windsock to fly like the kite? You will need a toilet roll tube, coloured paper strips (or coloured in white paper) and string. When finished, take the windsock outside to see it dancing in the wind.

Tasg ychwanegol / Additional task:

Cofiwch am y digwyddiad hwn sy’n fyw, bob prynhawn dydd Gwener.

Remember about this event, which takes place live, every Friday.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!