Drawing with Value

Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour [or greyscale]. High value is light [white being highest] and low value is dark [black being lowest].  Using different values creates contrast which helps the viewer see and understand the image. Value makes shapes appear 3D and creates form.

Creating Value with different mark making

using mark making when adding value to drawings helps to show texture of what you are drawing. When we looked at line, we explored how different lines can create texture and pattern.  When you start to move lines closer together they create a darker value [tone].

SKILLBUILDER: mark making to create value

extension: Pen Drawing

Drawing with pen is a low-cost, convenient and evocative art form. And unbeknown to most beginners is the variety of mark-making possibilities the medium offers!

Continue reading HERE to learn the different types and ways of drawing with Pen

ACTIVITY:  using blue pen or a thin sharpie, complete 3-4 pen drawings of Ika.  Use images from the resource folder to draw from

Focus on the basic shapes, textures and patterns and then use mark making to build up  value to show form such as in the examples below.

EXTENSION - use ink and skewer to do your drawing

Experiment with Indian Ink

SKILLBUILDER: INK wash value and shading

indian ink is a fast and easy way to add value and shading to your drawings. it can be used on its own or with other drawing media.

Shown here are two tutorials on how to use ink washes -no need to watch all of it [Title page 0:18 - 4:25] [ink wash birds - 0:09-2:25]  watch each section, experiment, then complete the activity below

ACTIVITY: Go back to one of your continuous line drawings and use a variety of washes of indian ink to add value and shading to your drawing

EXTENSION: watch the Beta fish ink wash video and attempt your own ink wash Ika from scratch

SHADING with Dry media [pencil/charcoal]


Watch this video on an introduction to graphite pencils and how to shade a value scale.

*many of you may only have access to one grade of pencil at home [likely HB or a dark colour pencil] .  Use this video  as a guide to how to create value with a single pencil.  

Complete a value scale and a Gradation scale in your Visual diary.  Aim for smooth shading and neatness


Watch the video and apply your skill of shading to make it look 3D

What to avoid when shading.  

The next few activities will be asking you to shade to add value.  Its important to understand what NOT to do, to ensure quality work.  Watch the video and ensure that you  keep these DONT Do's in mind while shading 


 Select an Ika from the resource folder to redraw with graphite pencil as realistically as possible like Tim Li.  You will be shown how to transfer your design and ways to work from dark to light and erase. 

Value drawing Ika

Click on the Tropical fish for a how to draw tutorial

EXTENSION:  using black and white pencil lon brown paper, practice rendering sections of Ika from the resource folders. refer to the images below for examples

student work