Henrico 21 2024

Henrico 21 LifeReady Learning Exhibition is a long standing tradition in Henrico schools. This year the county-wide event was held at the new Henrico Sports and Recreation Center on March 27th. 

Mr. Jones' 8th grade CTE students were Rolfe's chosen representatives with their lesson "Rolfe Cares: C2 Construction and Citizenship." Global Citzenshiop was their focus as they constructed a dog house to donate to Ring Dog Rescue. They created a Little Free Pantry for the Varina community. The students then created inventions with littleBits and circuitry to solve Global Goals. 

Dr. Travis' 6th grade math students completed the project called "Growing Proportional Produce" while focusing on collaboration. They used the school's new community garden to measure the proportions and determine requirements needed to feed the whole school. This is a great combination of math and gardening!

See more of the projects as well as the event below. 

The Event

Javon, Nick , Jamari and Mr. Jones pose in front of a portion of the Rolfe display.

Javon shows others his Global Goals invention. 

Nick explains how the Little Free Pantry is used by the community

Jumbtron of students

Ayden and Lanay pose in front of their display and garden model. 

Ayden explains the project.

Jamari shows families the inventions. 

Lanay explains their garden design to others.

Nick shows other students how the littleBits work on his Global Goals invention.

Learn More About the Lessons

See more about this project and the process at this website

See more about this project and the process at this website