Environmental Club

Alicia Atkins, Varina district school board representative, and the Rolfe PTSA were awarded a generous grant from Meta in order to create a community garden, addressing food deserts. Students have begun planting various vegetables and flowering plants in the front of the building. The benches were generously built by the Highland Springs Technical Center. We look forward to seeing what blooms. 

Ms. Atkins and club members begin to unload the truck holding the garden's materials.

A wide array of vegetables have been planted in the raised flower beds which were assembled by the club members.

The new bench constructed by Highland Springs Technical Center students is a nice addition for visitors to the garden. 

The bench is being unloaded for its new home in the garden. 

The finished garden has various veggies and flowering plants.

On May 23rd the Environmental Club held a celebration of the garden and the club's efforts. School board members, the PTSA, Meta representatives, county officials and community members came to the event and visited the gardens. Club members and student leaders were recognized.