Jag Action News with Creative Communications

Students in Ms. Middleton-James' Creative Communications class have initiated "Jag Action News." This group of 6th graders are learning ways to create news segments, use video editors, film video, write copy and more. In February they toured Varina High School's Center for Communications and Media Relations to learn the tricks of the trade. They are continually growing, learning and improving in this experience. See their journey in some of the items below.  

Students work on the logo for their show. 

Students learn about WeVideo editing as they prep for their first show.

The production tech crew use the padcaster to line up their perfect shot of our announcers. 

The crew tests out the quality of the microphones.

Tyler is the cue card holder for the news anchors.

Watch one of the news segments created about why school attendance matters.

The 6th graders attended a field trip in February to tour Varina High School's Center for Communications and Media Relations. They learned from Varina's production team how to work the titles, cues and sound for a live broadcast.

The Varina students taught Rolfe students various aspects of running a live show professionally.

There is way more action behind the scenes than the students orginally thought. They experienced all aspects of a live broadcast while on this field trip. A special thank you goes out to Aaron Willoughby and Brad Viar for letting this class work with their students. 

Students had an opportunity to be the hosts of Varina's morning show as they completed a mock run-through.

20220228 CFCMR Visit.mp4

Watch an example of their demo reel produced by the Rolfe students while in Varina's studio. They ran through an old show that Varina had recently filmed. 

Ms. Middleton-James' class earned a special Honorable Mention for the school-wide Henrico 21 contest.