Hour of Code 2022

Hour of Code is a worldwide event held in December that allows student to learn the language of computer science and coding. Rolfe students tested their hand at various coding activities of their choice. See the activities they completed. You can also try it out yourself!

Learn a little about the Hour of Code. 

During lunch students learned about binary code and did an "unplugged" challenge. Using the strings of zeros and ones, they had to find the answer to corny jokes using binary code. It isn't as easy as it sounds. All students had a chance to learn about coding during that lunch period. 

The entire lunchroom had bags ready with their binary coded corny jokes to solve. The critical thinker cart was rolled around to the tables to find student winners. 

Students who correctly solved the jokes with binary code received a candy treat. They proudly posed with their sheets. 

Some students took on the "Ultimate Challenge" to see if they could solve a long sentence pun using only the binary code chart. 

During Advisory students chose tasks from the Hour of Code Choice Board to see how they could code games, apps, animations and more. Give it a try and see what you can create! 

Na'Jee completes his coding tutorial during the Hour of Code Advisory period. 

Hour of Code Choice Board

Students in Ms. Blackmore's class used Lego Spike kits to build objects and code them to do specific tasks. 

Ms. Blackmore and her students work through the coding portion of the kits after they successfully built their object from legos.
