Plan B

Please refer to the Graduation page for submission deadlines.


Coversheets should follow the standard MEdT format. The original, signed, hard copy coversheet should be turned in to the MEdT Office.

    • A sample coversheet can be found here

    • A template in Microsoft Word can be downloaded here

How to use the coversheet template

  1. The text in the brackets should be replaced with your information.

  2. Print a hard copy and get signatures from your advisor and reader once they have approved your final paper.

  3. DO NOT PRINT the comments. To turn off, select "Final" from the Track Changes toolbar prior to printing.

Laulima Submission Instructions

  • Each candidate has a drop box in the MEdT Plan B Library in Laulima. Candidates should upload one file containing the table of contents, main body, appendices and any other supporting documents to their drop box. Please include your signed coversheet.

  • Files should be saved in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) only.

  • Files should be named as follows: Last, First - YYYY.XXX where YYYY=the year of completion and XXX is the file extension (doc, docx or pdf).

    • ie. the file should be named Doe, Jane - 2014.doc for a Plan B in Word submitted by Jane Doe for graduation in Spring 2014.

Files should be uploaded to your Drop Box in the Laulima site called "MAN MEdT Plan Bs." For instructions on uploading to Laulima, visit the Laulima Help. Files must be less than 60 MB. It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure the file is small enough to be uploaded. Visit the Reducing the Plan B File Size page for tips.

If you are having trouble using Laulima, call the ITS Helpdesk at 956-8883.
