
Dual Licensure | Field Requirement | Student Teaching Requirement

Field Requirement

Field days are determined by cohort coordinators. There is no provision for absence from assigned field days except for a) documented medical need, b) death in the immediate family, d) religious holiday, e) official representation of the College or f) other extreme circumstances. Any pre-planned absence from assigned field days, including reporting to school late or leaving school early, must be approved in advance by the mentor teacher, university supervisor, and/or program chair.

In case of unexpected absence (illness, car trouble, etc.), the teacher candidate must notify the mentor teacher immediately, calling the teacher at home or at school as soon as a problem arises. If the teacher candidate cannot reach the teacher, he/she must contact the school office. He/she must keep calling until the teacher or office has been notified. At that time the teacher candidate should also inform his/her supervisor of any situation requiring an absence. The teacher candidate is still responsible for providing the mentor teacher with lesson plans to ensure continuity of instruction during the absence.

Each unexcused absence may result in lowering your final course grade.


Student Teaching Requirement

The expectation will be a minimum of 8 weeks solo teaching period, which may include co-teaching where the teacher candidate is the lead teacher (minimum 4 weeks) and solo teaching as negotiated by the cohort coordinator and mentor teacher to best serve the needs of the teacher candidate and students in the classroom.


Dual Licensure

Candidates may request to pursue a recommendation for a teaching license in two secondary fields provided that all the following conditions are met:

  • the candidate is in good academic standing

  • the College of Education has official passing scores for the content knowledge assessment exam in both areas of licensure before the last day of instruction of the candidate’s second semester in the program

  • the candidate has a major in or thirty semester hours of coursework in the primary content field and a minor in or fifteen semester hours of coursework in the secondary content field

To enable candidates to complete field work in both areas, the candidate must make their request via their email to their cohort coordinator in their first semester. Candidates who have been approved to pursue two areas of licensure must:

  • complete a teaching methods course (ITE 404) in both content areas for a total of 49 credits in the program

  • complete student teaching for their secondary content field in their fourth semester in lieu of an internship

  • meet the licensure expectations of the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board in both fields.
