Semester 3: Student Teaching

Minimum Field Experience Expectations

    • Full-time, all day, everyday, 5 days per week

    • MEdT candidates will complete two formal observations minimum during the semester

      • Lesson plans need to be submitted to mentor teacher and field supervisor at least ONE WEEK in advance of the observation to give ample time for feedback and suggestions from mentor and field supervisor

    • MEdT candidates will develop and submit a transition plan for student teaching with mentor teacher collaboration and approval

    • Candidates will submit a field evaluation and dispositions assessment (DA) after conferencing with field supervisor and mentor (if applicable) (1 eval and DA from field supervisor, 1 eval and DA from mentor, and 1 self-eval and self-DA from candidate) twice during the semester

    • MEdT candidates are expected to participate in faculty meetings, parent conferences, IEP meetings, and any other appropriate meetings/activities while in the field placement

    • Other ITE 610B & ITE 611B field-related assignments according to instructors and syllabi

    • Also refer to the MEdT Licensure Policies:

8 Week “Solo” Period

  • MEdT students will be the lead teacher, co-teacher, and/or solo teach during the 8 week requirement

  • MEdT students will develop lessons/units and teach under indirect and direct supervision by mentor teacher and field supervisor for 40 days

  • Student teaching commences with approval from the field supervisor and mentor teacher

  • Transition plan required (see above)

  • Weekly/daily schedule of lessons to be taught required a week prior to field supervisor and mentor teacher

  • When co-teaching, lead teaching, or soloing, MEdT candidate will collaborate with and/or be the lead in planning for the mentor teacher.

On the Job Training (OJT) During Student Teaching

    1. You should not seek out an OJT placement for your student teaching semester, as you are not licensed. Your cohort coordinators will contact you if/when an OJT opportunity (normally with a partner school) is available and they, as well as the school, believe you are a good fit for the position

    2. You will be available for hire once you have successfully completed your student teaching semester (successful completion of fieldwork and coursework)

    3. Discussions about possible internship/job opportunities for the Spring semester will happen once your field supervisor, current mentor, and cohort coordinators indicate that you are on track to successfully completing the semester (this tends to be around late November).

    4. Your HTSB license will not be effective immediately after student teaching. You can expect to have it in hand, at the earliest, at the end of January - February after your student teaching semester. However, in the past, candidates have been hired prior to receiving their license, right after the student teaching semester ends, and at the start of the Spring semester.

    5. Please do not "cold call" schools or administrators to share your CVs/resumes/interest in employment. This is against MEdT program policy and not encouraged if you are not licensed. The cold calls may leave a negative impression on administrators/office staff.

    6. The COE will host a DOE application and employment process seminar in the fall. DOE personnel officers will be providing guidance to student teachers eligible for employment in the spring semester. It is highly recommended that you attend this seminar if you are intending to do a paid internship in the spring.

    7. If any potential employer has a question about the MEdT program, what your work availability is, or when you're available for hire prior to the internship semester, please have him/her contact your cohort coordinator.

    8. Please refer to the online MEdT Employment Policies for more information about working while completing the MEdT Program: