Placement Files & Student Teaching Evaluations

MEdT Students are eligible to create a Placement File with the Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS) after successful conclusion of their third semester. Candidates who want the College to forward their Student Teaching Evaluation to future employers must create a Placement File. Candidates may also choose to add a maximum of three letters of recommendation. Candidates who do not create a Placement File will have a Permanent File with the College of Education. The Permanent File will contain their Student Teaching Evaluation, but Student Teaching Evaluations in Permanent Files will not be sent to other parties. Those interested in setting up a placement file, should continue reading below.

Setting up a Placement File

Your cohort coordinators will distribute a Student Permanent File and Student Placement File packet in your 3rd semester. The packet contains: 1) a Release of Information (index card), 2) Information Sheet (pink), 3) Teacher Placement and Employment Recommendation Form - OPEN (green), 4) Teacher Placement and Employment Recommendation Form - CLOSED (yellow), 5) Request for Teacher Placement File to be Sent (white or orange). Your placement file will be created upon completing three simple steps:

    • Step 1: Complete a Release Information Card and submit to your Cohort Coordinator (or OSAS) how to

    • Step 2: Include Student Teaching Evaluation how to

    • Step 3: Submit letters of recommendation (optional) how to

Forwarding your Placement File

It takes time for the COE to set up your placement file, so they will not be available until 4-6 weeks after the semester ends. Your placement file will be forwarded by request only. OSAS does not automatically forward your file to HTSB or DOE. Requests may be submitted by completing a Request for Teacher Placement File to be Sent Form (white or orange sheet) included in the packet you received from your cohort coordinator. This form may be delivered in person or mail to the Office of Student Academic Services. Additional forms may be obtained from OSAS. Requests may also be made in writing from your email account or via snail mail. Please allow 5 business days for processing. OSAS will provide free mailing service for up to three requests per year. Additional requests will require you to provide postage.


If after reading the information sheet, you still have questions about your placement file, please contact the Office of Student Academic Services.

How to Complete a Release Information Card

The Release Information Card will be distributed by your Cohort Coordinator in your third semester. Please be sure to read the information sheet in its entirety entirety and view the sample carefully BEFORE completing a Release Information Card. Return completed cards to your Cohort Coordinator. If you misplace your packet or decide to establish a placement file at a later time, you may obtain a Placement File Packet from OSAS.

How to Include Your Student Teaching Evaluation

The MEdT department will submit your original student teaching evaluation to OSAS at the conclusion of the semester. If you authorized the College to include your Student Teaching Evaluation in your placement file on the Release of Information Card, OSAS will include your evaluation. The MEdT office must receive student teaching evaluations by the last day of instruction, so please be sure to return student teaching evaluations to your cohort coordinator prompty after signing them. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing your evaluation. Student teaching evaluations will not be available for distribution until mid/late January.

How to Submit Letters of Recommendation

If you wish to include letters of recommendation, please have your recommender complete a recommendation form and return the form to OSAS. One form of each type (open and closed) has been included in your packet. Please note there are different forms for OPEN (green) and CLOSED (yellow) placement files, so be sure to get the correct form. Not sure what open and closed files are? Refer to the pink information sheet. Additional forms may be obtained from the Office of Student Academic Services. A maximum of three recommendations may be included in your placement file.