Academic & Instructional Policies

Throughout the MEdT program, the following Academic and Instructional Policies will apply to all candidates. In all cases, where MEdT program policies may conflict with COE’s or UH Mānoa’s policies, the COE and/or UH Mānoa policies will prevail. Candidates should consult with their Cohort Coordinators if there are any questions regarding these policies.

Graduate Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of candidates to know and observe all regulations and procedures relating to the program they are pursuing, as well as those of the UH and Graduate Division. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because candidates plead ignorance of or contend that they were not informed of the regulations or procedures. Questions on regulations and their interpretation pertaining to studies at the graduate level should be addressed to the Office of the Dean of the Graduate Division.

Candidates planning to graduate should familiarize themselves with the dates relating to application for graduation and other pertinent deadlines (see the Academic Calendar). It is necessary to apply for graduation by the specified deadline in order to graduate in a particular term, whether or not the candidate plans to attend the commencement ceremonies. Candidates must satisfy the degree requirements of the Catalog in force during the term for which they were admitted; or they may, with the consent of their advisors, meet graduation requirements by complying with the provisions of a later Catalog. Candidates readmitted to a degree program must meet degree requirements of the Catalog in force at the time of the later admission (or of a subsequent Catalog, as provided above). Aside from degree requirements, all candidates are subject to the regulations and policies stated in the Catalog currently in force. Exceptions to the regulations contained in the Catalog require the written approval of the Graduate Division, unless otherwise stated in the Catalog.

Candidates admitted to the Graduate Division are assumed to be mature adults and are expected to behave accordingly. All written work should observe high editorial standards, and high standards of academic honesty are expected. Though advisory services are provided to assist the candidate, the candidate alone is responsible for following the procedures and completing the steps required in the degree program. Requirements of the Graduate Division, both procedural and substantive, may be waived only by written request of the candidate and/or committee concerned and must have the written approval of the Graduate Division. Petition forms are available in department offices, the Graduate Division Student Services Office, and on¬line at

Grading Scales/Points Earned

Graduate work at UH Mānoa is assessed using the A-F grade system. If there are exceptions to this policy, the exceptions must be stated in the course syllabus.

University Level Writing Expectations

All writing must be word-processed and double-spaced, with appropriate APA citations and formats. Provide a cover page for formal papers, number the pages, and include an appropriate reference page if needed. When cited, the number of pages or words is suggested as a guide, not as an absolute requirement.

Academic Integrity & Ethical Behavior

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities. Failure to meet this expectation will result in failure of a course and possible dismissal from the program. Plagiarism means using another's words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another's work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately. Although instructors may encourage collaboration with peers, all work that candidates ultimately submit must be their own in their own words. Please see the section regarding Academic Integrity in UH General and Graduate Information Catalog under “Campus Policies and Information” ( and the UH Student Conduct Code ( for specific guidelines related to ethical behavior. work you submit as yours must include proper documentation and crediting of sources.

Final Course Evaluation

The final course evaluation must be conducted each semester for each Professor and for every course. The evaluations are always conducted anonymously. Course evaluation procedures will be announced before the last week of the course.

Professional Dispositions

In keeping with the Professional Standards of the Hawaii Teacher Standards Boards and UHM College of Education, candidates are required to demonstrate the following professional dispositions in all program-related activities (courses, field experiences and student teaching, advising meetings, etc.). In each course, candidates will be expected to demonstrate: (a) professional and ethical conduct, (b) individual and cultural sensitivity, (c) effective work habits, (d) effective communication skills, (e) ability to engage in self-reflection, and (f) effective collaboration skills. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the following:

    • Reflects on practices and monitors own teaching and professional interactions, making appropriate adjustments.

    • Maintains current knowledge and implements current recommended practices in education.

    • Provides and accepts evaluative feedback in a professional manner.

    • Models honesty, fairness, and respect for individuals, cultures, and the laws of society.

    • Demonstrates good work habits including reliability, punctuality, and follow-through on commitments.

    • Communicates in an open and respectful manner with candidates, peers, professionals, families, and supervisors.

    • Demonstrates emotional/behavioral control and tolerance of diverse perspectives.

    • Works collaboratively with peers and professionals.

Candidates' professional dispositions will be assessed using the College of Education common assessment form (Assessment D). Candidates who fail to meet any one of the required dispositions may be dismissed from the MEdT program.

Title IX

The University of Hawai‘i is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect and is free of all forms of sex discrimination and gender-based violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you or someone you know experiences any of these, UHM has staff and resources on campus to support and assist you. Staff also can direct you to resources in the community. Here are some of your options:

If you wish to remain ANONYMOUS, speak with someone CONFIDENTIALLY, or would like to receive information and support in a CONFIDENTIAL setting, contact the confidential resources available here:

If you wish to REPORT an incident of sex discrimination or gender-based violence including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking as well as receive information and support, contact:

Dee Uwono

Director and Title IX Coordinator

Hawaiʻi Hall 124

2500 Campus Road

Honolulu, HI 96822

(808) 956-2299

Faculty and Staff of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa are required to immediately report any incident of sex discrimination or gender-based violence to the campus Title IX Coordinator. Although the Title IX Coordinator and the faculty cannot guarantee confidentiality, you will still have options about how your case will be handled. Our goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources and support you need. For more information regarding sex discrimination and gender-based violence, the University’s Title IX resources and the University’s Policy, Interim EP 1.204, go to:

MEdT candidates are also encouraged to complete an online student training program regarding sex- and gender-based violence:

Disability Statement—KOKUA Program

If you have disability and related access needs, please contact the KOKUA program (UH Disabled Student Services Office) at 956¬7511,, or go to Room 013 in the Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services. Please know that we will work with you and KOKUA to meet your access needs based on disability documentation.

Safety and Campus Security

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Campus Security provides protection and security for the campus community and the physical plant 24 hours a day throughout the year. The telephone number for Campus Security is 808-956-6911 and 808-956-8211 (non-emergencies). The contact information for Campus Escort Services is tel.: 808-956-SAFE (7233) and website: