Semester 4: Internship


The internship semester is your opportunity to develop your independent voice as a teacher. It is one of the features of the MEdT Program that sets it apart from other programs in the college, and we encourage you to make the most of it. Depending on the position, internships may include compensation, or may be unpaid. When the internship is a paid experience, payment is not made by the program, but by the hiring agency or organization. Payments vary depending on the position. Although the internship does not take place until the fourth semester, candidates are encouraged to start thinking about their internship early in the program. The internship is an excellent opportunity to further develop your understanding of teaching and learning, and skill in designing and implementing educational experiences. It will also provide you the time, opportunity, and guidance to complete the educational inquiry that constitutes your Plan B master's project.

General Internship Guidelines

    1. All candidates must complete an internship to complete the degree program.

    2. All internships must be in the candidate's area of licensure or a related field.

    3. The internship is a full-time experience. When candidates have an opportunity for a paid part-time position, a supplemental experience must be added to make it full-time. The supplemental experience may include a second part-time experience (paid or unpaid), or additional coursework intended to strengthen the content knowledge of the candidate.

    4. For those in paid positions, the internships follow their employer's calendar from January through June. For those in extended student teaching positions, internships end with the last day of instruction on the University calendar.

    5. Before candidates accept an internship offer, their Cohort Coordinators must approve the internship within the framework of these guidelines. Additionally, some types of internships must also be approved by the Program Chair. While candidates are encouraged to seek unique experiences to enhance their development as teachers, under NO circumstances are candidates authorized to finalize their internship placement without prior approval.

Internship Options

1. Filling a Funded Teaching Position

Candidate applies for and receives a full-time teaching position at any public, private or charter school. Candidate is mentored in the position by MEdT Faculty.

Candidates interested in seeking full-time employment are responsible for familiarizing themselves and complying with the policies and procedures of the hiring agency. If candidates wish to pursue a particular status or salary, it is their responsibility to meet the requirements of the hiring agency. Candidates are not guaranteed any particular DOE hiring status and their internship may not count towards tenure with the DOE. Employment issues are between the candidate and the hiring agency. The College of Education, MEdT Faculty and staff are not responsible provide information and support about the employment processes of the hiring agency.

The DOE Personnel Office hosts a seminar to discuss employment in the Fall semester. Candidates interested in seeking employment with the DOE should attend this seminar. The MEdT program will share candidate availability with the DOE Personnel Office so it may be released to principals.

2. Extended Student Teaching

Cohort Coordinators negotiate a placement for the candidate with an MEdT partner school. The candidate will share a classroom with a mentor teacher and is mentored in the position by MEdT faculty and the mentor teacher. Extended student teaching is not a paid position.

3. Long-term or Resident Substitute Teaching

Candidate applies for and receives a position as a long-term or resident substitute teacher at any public, private or charter school. Candidate is mentored in the position by MEdT faculty.

Candidates may be required to complete the DOE substitute teacher course and will be required to comply with the hiring policies and procedures of the hiring agency. Long-term subs are usually full-time for a period of more than 90 days. Resident subs serve as a school's paid substitute teacher of choice when there is a teacher absence and are assigned to a mentor teacher when not subbing. As with funded teaching positions, the College of Education, MEdT Faculty and staff are not able to proved information or support the employment processes of the hiring agency.

4. Alternative Education Experience

Candidate receives an education position (paid or unpaid) with an educational organization with a strong connection to the candidate's area of licensure. Candidate is mentored in the position by MEdT faculty.

Positions must be approved by the Cohort Coordinator(s) and the Program Chair.

5. Exit Program After Student Teaching

Candidate chooses to exit the MEdT Program without completing the requirements of the degree, but earns a recommendation for licensure after successfully completing student teaching and passing the necessary PRAXIS assessments. Candidates will be eligible to apply for a license, but will not have completed all the program coursework to earn a graduate degree.

Candidates may seek re-admission at a future date to complete ITE 611, ITE 612 and the Plan B project needed to earn the master's degree. Re-admission will be dependent upon Graduate Division polices and the availability of space in the program. Candidates will also be required to make up any deficiencies due to changes in program policy and procedures. If candidates have been away from classroom practice for more than a year, they may be asked to demonstrate their readiness for an internship that includes working in schools.

Internship Application

Candidates should complete an on-line internship application form in the Fall semester prior to their internship semester. You must be signed in with your account in order to access the application form. Once you have submitted your application, keep the link to your application form in case you need to revise your internship plan.