GWATFL Emerging Leaders MAP

Calling Emerging Leaders of GWATFL 

The GWATFL Emerging Leaders MAP

Introducing the GWATFL Emerging Leaders MAP – a dynamic community inviting world language department chairs, coordinators, or members aspiring for leadership roles! 

In this MAP, participants will have the opportunity to exchange valuable insights and strategies for effectively leading and coordinating world language departments. 

Share your expertise and submit topics of interest via the provided Google Form linked here. I eagerly anticipate connecting with the emerging leaders of GWATFL!

Upcoming Events

Past Events

GWATFL Emerging Leaders Roundtable

Saturday, June 1st @ 2:00pm

 Sign up to attend!

Sharing Journeys, Shaping Futures

McLean's WL department announces the 

World Language and Social Justice Conference

McLean School is pleased to inform you about our upcoming conference on World Language and Social Justice, scheduled for Saturday, April 6. The theme of the conference is "Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: World Language Justice Conference." Our goal is to create an inclusive, informative, and impactful event that contributes to the advancement of language justice.


We extend an invitation to educators, scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit proposals for presentations, workshops, and panel discussions that are in line with the conference theme. 


Here is the registration link 

Please reach out to Nicole Morgan at if you have any questions or concerns. 

Nicole Morgan and Stephanie Krause 

(Conference Co-Chairs)

Stephanie Krause


Stephanie Krause is a middle school Latin teacher at McLean School. She holds a BA from Miami University in Oxford, OH, and earned her MAT in Latin from the University of Colorado, Boulder. In her eighth year of teaching, Stephanie currently serves as the World Languages department chair. In collaboration with Wesley Wood, she has delivered multiple presentations on neurodiversity and was honored as a 2022 NECTFL Mead fellow.

Passionate about advancing language education leadership, Stephanie is eager to contribute to GWATFL. She envisions creating a GWATFL MAP to actively engage emerging leaders, including new department heads, language coordinators, and members aspiring to assume greater leadership roles within their departments. Recognizing the unique challenges of World Languages departments, Stephanie aims to foster discussions and explore topics of particular interest to the membership.