GWATFL Awards Leader (open)

Congratulations to all GWATFL Awardees

Awards for GWATFL Members

GWATFL recognizes its members for their achievements and their commitment to expanding the horizons of the language teaching profession.

GWATFL offers the following awards to its members:

GWATFL Teacher of the Year Award

Each year, the Northeast Conference chooses its Teacher of the Year from among the candidates selected by the states in the Northeast region. This individual then represents our organization at the National Language Teacher of the Year competition at the ACTFL Conference in November. The award for the National Language Teacher of the Year is intended to elevate the status and the public profile of the language teaching profession at the state, regional and national levels by recognizing the individuals chosen for this award.

​​The Northeast Conference will participate in the ACTFL Teacher of the Year competition. ACTFL requests that state associations choose a state Teacher of the Year during fall each school year.  In January, the NECTFL TOY Committee will review all state dossiers and choose a regional winner who will be announced as the Northeast Conference Teacher of the Year

Lifetime Recognition Award 2024

Luis Deocares 

This award is given in recognition of a GWATFL member who has made a significant and lasting impact on World Language Teaching and Professional Development, has earned the respect and admiration of professional colleagues, and committed to maintaining a dynamic connection to the world language profession.

Best of GWATFL

Each year, GWATFL selects one presentation from the Spring or Fall Conference as its Best of GWATFL

As Best of GWATFL winner the presenter will automatically qualify to present that session at NECTFL in the upcoming conference in NY.

2023 Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett

Best of GWATFL 

GWATFL New Teacher Award

The New Teacher Award is given to a teacher in its first three years of teaching World Languages 

History of GWATFL Awards

2024 Carlos Salinas

Teacher of the Year

2024  Luis Deocares

LifeTime Recognition Award

2023 Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett

Best of GWATFL 

2023 Donna Clark

LIfetime Recognition Award

2023 Victor Vincent

LIfetime Recognition Award

2023 Glenda De Hoyos

Teacher of the Year

2022 Chiara Monticelli

Best of GWATFL

2022 Wesley Wood

Teacher of the Year

2021 Xian Lu

Teacher of the Year

2021 Maris Hawkins

Best of GWATFL

2020 Leslie Grahn

Lifetime Recognition Award

2020  Glenda De Hoyos

Best of GWATFL

2020 Marcela Velikovsky

Teacher of the Year

2019 Barbara Bennett

Lifetime Recognition Award

2019 Monica Mulholland

Lifetime Recognition Award

2019 Yuching Chung

Best of GWATFL

2018 Sheena Jordan

Teacher of the Year

2018  Marcela Velikovsky, Vicky Masson & Tess Porter

Best of GWATFL

2017 Dr. Annette Dunzo and Dr. Wendy McBurney

Best of GWATFL

2016 Karen Adamson

Best of GWATFL

2016 Gramercy West

Best of GWATFL

2015 Luis Deocares

Best of GWATFL

2014 Karen Adamson

Best of GWATFL

Past GWATFL Awards Leader 

Larissa Giacoman